NeoCons: Condi Rice For VP — No White Men Need Apply

By Patrick Cleburne



C Rice: "Which country we supposed to invade today?"

So the Neocons have launched a major effort to bully Mitt Romney into naming Condoleeza Rice as his Vice Presidential choice. The Drudge Report at present has a “Drudge Exclusive”, three supporting stories and a Poll on the question.

One of the cheerleaders is the sinister Bill Kristol. After his disastrous influence on foreign and also domestic policy — as I discussed in Who killed California? The Neocons: (2) — there is no objective case for paying any attention to Kristol: the ugly fact is his influence purely stems from the wealth of his friends.

The Drudge essay emphasizes the key appeal of Rice is her willingness to acquiesce in more “Invade the World” craziness

It was Condi who received two standing ovations at Romney’s Utah retreat a few weeks ago, and everyone left with her name on their lips.

Rice made an extended argument for American leadership in the world.

Last time this cost the GOP the White House and both Houses of Congress.

But beyond this, the choice of Rice, an Affirmative Action cipher with no visible talent except for obeying Neocons, is a hugely negative message to white voters. It says that the GOP is indeed terrified of Obama’s Race Card and that a Romney Presidency is likely to degenerate into minority appeasement.

As with McCain, many will not bother to vote

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