VDARE.com hero Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is taking the logical next step:
When the security fence along the border with Egypt is complete, a fence will also be built along the border with Jordan, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced Sunday in a Likud ministerial meeting.
The move is intended to curb migrant workers and refugees from Africa from arriving in Israel.
PM: Security fence to be built along Jordan border BEN HARTMAN AND JERUSALEM POST STAFF 01/01/2012
This is to deal with an increasingly serious situation:
December broke a new record for the number of “infiltrators” who crossed into Israel illegally by way of the Sinai Peninsula, the Population, Immigration and Borders Authority (PIBA) said on Sunday…
The prime minister expressed concern that when the security fence is completed along the Egyptian border, Eritrean and Sudanese refugees and migrant workers who enter Israel today through Sinai will take a detour and will instead come into Israel from the Jordanian side.
The Israelis are being admirably candid that the matter is primarily an employment, not a security question:
Interior Minister Eli Yishai vowed Thursday to exert every effort to see that "the last of the infiltrators return to their countries," referring to the some 50,000 African economic migrants, asylum seekers and refugees currently in Israel.
Speaking with Army Radio, Yishai dismissed the notion that Sudanese, Eritreans and other Africans in Israel have any standing to seek political asylum. "These are not refugees, these are economic migrants who want to come to Israel for work," he said…
Their presence "is an existential threat" to the State of Israel, he asserted, vowing to "defend the Jewish majority." The interior minister added, "Each and every one of them will return to their countries."
Yishai: Every African 'infiltrator' will return home By JPOST.COM STAFF AND BEN HARTMAN 12/08/2011
Why are the GOP candidates so pitiful?