
New Demand: Suspend Immigration Enforcement In Uvalde, A Hotbed of Alien Smuggling

By Federale


ICE SVU is always looking for a reason not to enforce immigration laws. Every excuse under the sun is given not to enforce immigration laws: natural disasters large and small, criminal acts, an adjacent school, hospital, courthouse, or welfare office, even criminal acts give illegal aliens a get-out-of-jail card. This time it is the Uvalde shooting, because nothing says amnesty for illegal aliens like Americans getting shot by a crazy American. The joke is that ICE SVU does not do immigration enforcement in Uvalde, or anywhere else, but the Border Patrol is very active in the Uvalde area, for obvious reasons: it is near the border and has a major highway running through it.

It appears this crazed idea was the brainstorm of a former Obama Regime hack, Juliette Kayyem, who once held the exalted title of Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under Obama. The position is a bureaucratic sinecure usually awarded to political functionaries, as Kayyem is. Worse yet, her whole professional experience is as an academic and as an attorney in the Department of Justice (DOJ), an advisor of some sort, not even a prosecutor, to Janet “Send In The Waco Killers” Reno in the Clinton Administration. She has no national security, law enforcement, immigration administration, or military experience that would relate to making decisions about law enforcement activity anywhere, much less Uvalde. Kayyem has basically no experience with any issue related to the administration of a crime scene or immigration enforcement and should not be commenting on, much less making, immigration enforcement policy.

This is the curse of attorneys in law enforcement and government in general. Law school is not a place to train law enforcement officials or government administrators, nor is the practice of law relevant to performing in any other profession, such as law enforcement or government administration; it is training only for a practice at the bar, nothing more. Lawyers have no particular knowledge that assists in anything other than being in court or giving legal advice. Would you send a law school graduate out on patrol? Of course not, nor would law school provide any insight into public administration, building public highways, or managing the local water department. Lawyers are generally bad at everything except the courtroom. Keep them out of law enforcement, government administration, and immigration enforcement, and especially keep them off the airwaves giving out bad advice.

Crazed Juliette Kayyem

Kayyem appeared on CNN and demanded that immigration enforcement in the Uvalde area be stopped. Uvalde is a major thoroughfare for alien smugglers, so that is likely the reason that Kayyem demanded suspension of enforcement. She just wants more White Replacement with non-White illegal aliens from throughout the world, from Africa, Haiti, Central America, and other non-White countries.

In the wake of the school shooting in Texas, former DHS officials turned CNN flack Juliette Kayyem demands Biden suspend immigration enforcement in the area of Uvalde "because of the political issues in Texas." pic.twitter.com/CklazaVzVm

— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) May 24, 2022

Of course, there is no relationship between a local law enforcement agency investigating a crime like the Uvalde murders, which does not even need to be solved, since the only suspect is dead, and immigration enforcement. However, for those who want to elect a new people and destroy the historic American nation, any excuse to end immigration enforcement is to be taken advantage of.

For the record, Uvalde has little or no illegal immigration population. I’ve been there. Border Patrol checkpoints and city patrol are ubiquitous there, so illegal aliens just keep on moving to areas of lesser enforcement, like Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, and other points north. There is no need to protect any illegal aliens in Uvalde, as there are so few.

In the wake of Tuesday’s attack on a Texas elementary school which left 19 children and two adults dead, CNN national security analyst Juliette Kayyem called for the federal government to suspend immigration enforcement in the area of Uvalde, Texas, and turn the small town into a “safe harbor” for illegals residing there.

Speaking to CNN on Tuesday, Kayyem cited the demographics of the area of the shooting to highlight the importance of halting immigration enforcement there.

“From an investigation standpoint, I’m going to do what the facts tell me now. So I’ve got demographics first of all, [it’s] an 80% Hispanic school district,” she said.

“So the most important thing for the federal government to do right now is to say there will be no immigration enforcement during this period in that area,” she added.

[CNN’s Juliette Kayyem Demands Federal Government Suspend Immigration Enforcement in Uvalde, by Joshua Klein, Breitbart, May 25, 2022]

Kayyem made the demand on May 24th, and ICE SVU, like the trained monkeys they are, immediately jumped to comply. Thank you, Tae Johnson.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) remind the public that sites that provide emergency response and relief are considered protected areas. To the fullest extent possible, ICE and CBP do not conduct immigration enforcement activities in protected areas such as along evacuation routes, sites used for sheltering or the distribution of emergency supplies, food or water, or registration sites for disaster-related assistance or the reunification of families and loved ones.

ICE and CBP provide emergency assistance to individuals regardless of their immigration status. DHS officials do not and will not pose as individuals providing emergency-related information as part of any enforcement activities.

The site of the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas is a protected area. To the fullest extent possible, ICE and CBP will not conduct immigration enforcement activities there so that individuals, regardless of immigration status, can seek assistance, reunify with family and loved ones, and otherwise address the tragedy that occurred.

[DHS Statement on Safety and Enforcement Following Shooting in Uvalde, Texas, unattributed, DHS Press Release, May 25, 2022]

There is no basis in law for this or other localized amnesties by ICE SVU, or for not enforcing immigration law during disasters, near hospitals, along evacuation routes, etc. There is nothing in the law that allows for or authorizes “protected areas.” Mayorkas and Johnson should be impeached for this lawlessness.

In any event, I sincerely doubt that the Border Patrol will follow this policy, as it is so active in the Uvalde area and has such contempt for Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas. ICE SVU doesn’t do any immigration enforcement in the area, or anywhere else, so in effect the policy means nothing, except that it encourages illegal aliens to come to the United States in general, sort of the opposite of broken windows policing where criminals stop appearing in enforcement heavy areas or stop doing minor crimes that bring the attention of the police. In these “protected areas” free of immigration enforcement, a message is sent that anarchy reigns and illegal aliens are welcome. It is the Biden Regime creating an illegal alien magnet, another aspect of the Biden Regime Administrative Amnesty.

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