New Ebook: The Perils of Diversity: Immigration and Human Nature by Byron Roth

By James Fulford


Byron Roth has a new ebook out from Washington Summit Press. If you're embarrassed about reading heterodox books in public (if you ride the subway you might actually be assaulted for reading the wrong book) then read this on your iPhone. Unless people are looking over your shoulder, they'll have no way of knowing you're not looking at pictures of girls in bikinis.

The non-bikini picture below represents a Car-B-Que in a Paris street, caused by immigration.

The Perils of Diversity, in its non-electronic form, was reviewed by Steve Sailer in February, 2011.

The Perils of Diversity

Byron Roth’s definitive study of immigration and human nature is now available worldwide as an eBook.

The Perils of Diversity: Immigration and Human Nature by Byron Roth | Washington Summit Publishers

"Byron Roth has done a terrific job setting out his gloomy but indisputable analysis of the future of the European peoples in his closely argued book. When we reach the end of book, we can only reflect that we are living in a unique moment in human history, in which the European peoples are complacent about the destruction of their genetic and cultural heritage brought about by the invasion of alien peoples.

One is reminded of the Chinese curse — 'May you live in interesting times.'"

~Richard Lynn

Professor Emeritus at the University of Ulster;

Author of Race Differences in Intelligence The Global Bell Curve& other books.

The Perils of Diversity is now available worldwide as an eBook. Buy it at Amazon’s Kindle and Apple’s

iBook stores.

The book is also available in paperback at and Amazon,

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