New Haven Register Seeks to Bury Story on Racist Black-on-White Attacks with Euphemisms, Disinformation, Weather Talk, Pseudo-Descriptions, and Irrelevant, Illegal Alien Diversions
The Register story below is 339 words long, yet it is too long by 30 percent, due to irrelevant information the reporter added, in order to confuse and mislead readers.
2 Yale students attacked by kids on bikes in New Haven
By Rich Scinto
December 12, 2012 New Haven Register Staff
/ Twitter: @rscinto_nhr
NEW HAVEN — Quick “wilding” attacks by teens on bicycles have been an ongoing problem for passers-by in the city.
Two Yale University students were attacked Monday at around 6 p.m. in the area around Wall Street, said police spokesman Officer David Hartman.
Wilding is a slang term for a type of attack that is typically performed by youths between the ages of 14 and 18.
The behavior has been a reoccurring trend in the city, Hartman said. Wilding is more common during the warmer months and typically drops off during winter.
“Unfortunately, the weather has been warmer than usual lately,” Hartman said. “You wouldn’t normally see it this time of year.”
The students weren’t robbed, but were struck several times, Police said.
“Usually these attacks are connected with robberies, but not always,” Hartman said.
The teens involved in the attacks Monday night rode off on bicycles. One bicycle was described as a chopper-style model.
The attacks sometimes follow a pattern, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have involved the same perpetrators, Hartman said. Some involve only one attacker while others can have a half-dozen or more.
Wilding became a growing trend earlier this year in Fair Haven and parts of the city that have large undocumented immigrant populations. Undocumented workers who don’t have bank accounts can be seen as ideal targets for robbers because they may carry large amounts of cash.
One common type of wilding involves robbers quickly grabbing phones from pedestrians’ hands. The type of attack became so prevalent that it became known as “apple-picking,” in reference to the Apple iPhone, a popular target for thieves, Hartman said.
Police suspect bragging rights among those involved may be part of some such attacks.
This isn’t the first time the city has come up against the problem of bicycle gangs. Summer 2005 was particularly bad in terms of bicycle wilding attacks. Groups of 60 or more youths would attack people while riding around the Dwight neighborhood.
The outbreak resulted in a large crackdown by police.
Call Rich Scinto at 203-789-5748.
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Euphemism: “Wilding” is one of those terms that reporters use to obscure the truth, but which boomerangs on them, like the euphemism, “random.” Both terms give away that an attack was racially motivated crime committed by (almost always) blacks against whites or Asians.
“Wilding” was coined in the reporting on the racist, April 19, 1989 attack by up to 14 black and Hispanic teenagers on the woman whom whites would come to know as “the Central Park Jogger,” Trisha Meili.
According to writer Mark Goldblatt, the term arose out of a creative misunderstanding. While initially in lockup, the racist suspects, almost all of whom who would all confess their crimes, celebrated by flirting with female jail guards and singing “Wild Thing.” According to Goldblatt, some guards misunderstood the lyrics, and passed on their misunderstanding to reporters.
The misunderstanding came full circle, as racist black thugs came to embrace the term, to describe the mayhem they would visit on whites and Asians they racially targeted.
Weather talk: It has become increasingly common for “experts” to try and confuse the public with talk of weather, as if the weather “caused” violent, racially-motivated, black-on-white crime.
Disinformation: Clearly, robbery was not a motive, but “expert” police spokesman Officer David Hartman and alleged reporter Rich Scinto have to throw this red herring into the discussion, in order to try and distract readers from the fact that robbery played no role in the crime. Because if robbery played no role, what could possibly have been the motive?
In the Knoxville Horror, the racially-motivated carjacking-kidnapping-gang-rape-torture-murder of white couple Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom by at least six blacks, the facts of the crime showed that robbery was not a motive, but the police, prosecutors, and the media lied about the obvious, in insisting that robbery had indeed been the motive.
Pseudo-descriptions: Rich Scinto tells us that one of the attackers rode a “chopper-style” bicycle. Would he have the public fear such bicycles, and stereotype them all as potentially threatening?
Withholding of essential information: Not only does Scinto refuse to give a physical description of the assailants, including their race or sex, but he refuses to even say how many assailants committed the attack. But he made darned sure to warn the public to be on the lookout for those violent, “chopper-style” bikes.
Is it now “racist” to even say how many members there were in a violent, black gang?
No matter. Criminals — in this case, members of media gangs — are creatures of habit, and experienced readers know that the alleged reporter’s refusal to identify the perps, despite the police description, means that they were black.
Irrelevant, Illegal Alien Diversions: The reporter must always minimize white suffering, even in a story of a racially motivated, black-on-white murder, as The New York Times did 20 years ago, when it reported on the February 17, 1991 killing of white Yalie Christian Prince by black James Duncan Fleming Jr. The Times muddied the waters then by injecting irrelevant material about black-on-black murders into a story on a racist black-on-white murder, in order to obscenely minimize the outrageous character of the crime.
Yale reacted to Fleming’s murder — or rather, the 9.5 percent drop in applications in the year following his murder — by vastly increasing campus security.
Already then, New Haven was so dominated by violent, racist blacks, that Fleming enjoyed jury nullification on his murder charge, though he was convicted, in an apparent jury room compromise, of conspiracy to commit robbery, and sentenced to nine years in prison.
And that was before New Haven became a sanctuary city, whose longtime criminal mayor, John DeStefano Jr., routinely aids and abets foreign criminal invaders.
We have previously seen the fruits of such a criminal policy, in the case of criminal invader, Mexican bus boy Jose Angel Moreno-Hernandez, 26, who in 2009 repeatedly raped a 25-year-old white woman, sought to blind her, and beat her almost to death. The victim only survived by playing dead. Moreno-Hernandez was convicted and sentenced to 80 years in prison for his state offenses.
Instead of telling the truth, Rich Scinto seeks to minimize the crime he is supposedly reporting on, by implying that illegal alien criminals have it much worse than white crime victims. In reality, New Haven has become increasingly dangerous for whites and Asians.
If the Register is so sensitive to the feelings of racist, violent, black felons and their supporters, why did it run the story at all?