New Immigration Measure In San Bernardino Looks Pretty Good
One of the largest anti-illegal immigration groups in California is Save our State which was founded by Joseph Turner in 2004.
Mr. Turner has brought the fight to San Bernardino, California in the form of a new city ballot measure. According to a story from the local online paper [Anti-illegal immigration measure in early stages in SB by Kelly Rayburn 10/16/05] the new measure would:
1. Ban the city from funding or operating day laborer centers. (Currently, the city does not sponsor any such centers, though other Inland Empire cities do.)
2. Impose fines of at least $1,000 for anyone operating a day laborer center without proper licensing.
3. Require the city to deny business permits to companies found to employ illegal immigrants.
4. Impose $1,000 fines on landlords who rent to illegal immigrants.
5. Require all city business be done in English, except when federal, state or county law mandates otherwise.
Turner hopes to collect enough signatures to get the measure before voters by June.