
New Muralism in the Atlantic And The WSJ

By James Fulford


In March of last year, the Atlantic published a list of major security fences around the world. This is part of the trend that Colby Cosh called the New Muralism, inspired by Israel building a fence to keep out Palestinian terrorists.

Of course, outside North America, most land borders are guarded by some kind of fence. That’s why, when Victor Davis Hanson was allowed to write recently against immigration in the Wall Street Journal, (a very rare occurrence) it was strange to see him refer to the "Great Wall Of America" as a "retrograde" and "seemingly absurd" solution, when obviously what it is is forward-looking and modern. [Mi Casa Es Su Casa | America’s porous border enables Mexico’s misrule, By Victor Davis Hanson, January 1, 2006]

Oh, and speaking of retrograde … is the WSJ, having engaged in "balance," going to come back with a smashing Open Borders counterattack, or are they going to reverse their previous course and say "There Shall Not Be Open Borders; We Were Wrong."

The list of fences is below, and it’s amazing to consider all the third-world oligarchies that are doing a better job of protecting their countries from, say, Yemenis, than the Bush administration .

[ Security fences,Abigail Cutler. The Atlantic Monthly, March 2005 [also here]

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