New Op-Ed Columnist In AJC

By James Fulford


A day after the WSJ had Victor Davis Hanson calling for border enforcement, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, which for years has been WSJ Lite on the immigration issue (as D. A. King has often reminded us) published this unabashedly pro-American op-ed:

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1996 makes it a felony to re-enter the United States after having been apprehended and removed, a description that fits a very large percentage of the millions of illegal aliens presently demanding the rights of citizens because they were able to make it past our Border Patrol.

Existing law makes it a felony to employ, assist, shelter, transport or commercially profit from illegal aliens, or to encourage an illegal alien to remain in the United States. The recently approved House bill does not change that politically incorrect fact. [Welcome new border law; enforce existing ones , January 3, 2006](Registration required, passwords available at

Who is this amazing new voice on the AJC’s opinion page? Believe it or not, it’s D. A. King! You can congratulate him, and you can follow his lead by submitting your own views on illegal immigration to your own local paper. Don’t give up if they ignore you at first, the AJC tried that, but D. A. King wouldn’t quit.

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