New VDARE Radio Podcast: The Media is Dead, Long Live the Alt Media!
There’s a new Virginia Dare podcast, The Media is Dead, Long Live the Alt Media! Go here to listen,or read the transcript. Sample:
This is Virginia Dare and you’re listening to VDARE Radio.According to a recent study, trust in the media has plummeted to record lows [Fueled by Republicans, Americans’ trust in media hits all-time low, by Dylan Byers, CNN, September 14, 2016].
Amusingly enough, Donald Trump said he is very proud of this, which only fuels the outraged screams from the press [Trump ‘really proud’ of role in reducing trust in media, by Rebecca Savransky, The Hill, September 15, 2016].
Of course, this is one of the great things about Donald Trump. He is a wrecking ball, bashing through corrupt institutions. Now, the lying press is the latest deserving victim.
But why should immigration patriots be so angry at journalists? [ More]