New York Times ALSO Deliberately Misleads On Chicago Kidnap Story
By Steve Sailer
See also CBS Radio Deliberately Misleads On Chicago Kidnap Story
From The New York Times:
Anti-Semitic Note Promises ‘Mayhem’Obviously, a bunch of white nationalist Trump supporters beat a “teenager” with mental disabilities, right?By THE EDITORIAL BOARD JAN. 11, 2017
This Week in Hate highlights hate crimes and harassment around the country since the election of Donald Trump. The Southern Poverty Law Center and other groups are keeping detailed counts of these incidents as concerns increase about a rise in hate crimes. Here are some that have drawn public attention in recent days. …
Four people have been charged with a hate crime, among other charges, in the beating in Chicago of a teenager with mental disabilities, which was broadcast on Facebook Live on January 3. The video shows one of the suspects shouting about Donald Trump and “white people.”