New York Times Quotes! (Without Link OR Attribution)
In a typical "point-and-splutter" attack on Dr. John Tanton Jason DeParle, quoted on the subject of the Center For Immigration Studies’s triangulation. He wrote
The Center for Immigration Studies, where Dr. Tanton played a lesser role, has come closest to criticizing him, writing last year that he had a “tin ear for the sensitivities of immigration.” (A blogger then attacked the center as undermining “the patriotic struggle.”)[The Anti-Immigration Crusader,April 17, 2011]
That was no blogger — that was DeParle is quoting from The Tale Of John Tanton: CIS' Krikorian, Kammer Make Fatal Concessions To SPLC, By Alexander Hart, April 7, 2010, in which Hart wrote
"The Center for Immigration Studies' backgrounder Immigration and the SPLC: How the Southern Poverty LawCenter Invented a Smear, Served La Raza, Manipulated thePress, and Duped its Donors by Jerry Kammer, and the panel about the report that CIS hosted at the National PressClub, included a lot of great material and arguments.But CIS also make fatal concessions that, if accepted,will ultimately obviate the patriotic struggle against the SPLC."
This is slightly different from what DeParle said, but you would have no way of knowing that from DeParle’s New York Times’s article, which has only about half-a-dozen external links, mostly to the front pages of organizations like NumbersUSA. He does not have any links to anything he’s quoted that appears online.
What this means is that is now a lot more professional than The New York Times. On, if we tell you that a blogger said something, we provide a link. Frequently we'll provide a citation that will tell you when and where he said it, even if the link goes dead. We do this because we are professionals-this is our full time job.
Apparently, the New York Times, with all its money and history, doesn’t feel that way. But it’s too late to worry about them. You can, however, do something about the survival of, by donating. See below.(The updated picture is an artist’s conception of Virginia Dare surviving in the Virginia woods.)