New York Times Reports Time Has Come To Halt Immigration!

By Brenda Walker


I was mousing around with the new-to-me Google News Archive search, which pulls up historical articles, and found this item from the New York Times, December 5, 1910. It’s interesting how the immigration arguments haven’t changed, i.e. that America doesn’t really need millions of foreign workers, it lowers wages and immigrants come for the money (not to "escape tyranny").

SAYS TIME HAS COME TO HALT IMMIGRATION; [PDF] Commission, in Forty Volume Report, Declares It No Longer Is Necessary. TENDS TO LOWER WAGES Aliens Come to Better Their Condition, Not to Escape Tyranny, and Sentiment Should Be Waived, Is Asserted.

December 6, 1910, Tuesday Page 6, 535 words WASHINGTON, Dec. 5. — Sentimental considerations in restricting immigration should be waived in view of the economic problems arising from adverse effects on wages and living conditions which the large number of aliens have had in recent years by their entry into basic industries, according to the final report of the Immigration Commission transmitted to-day to Congress.

Below is a screen snap of part of the page. The link at the top has the whole thing.

An article from 1892, titled Talk of Total Exclusion, noted that the Senate Immigration Committee would likely recommend a one-year moratorium. Too bad that didn’t happen (timeline). We can imagine why.

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