
New York Times & The Swift Raids: "All The Sobs That Are Fit To Print"

By Dave Gorak


Remember the good, old days when unions existed to protect American workers?

No mas, no mas.

"Worksite raids are not an effective form of immigration reform," said Jill Cashen, a spokeswoman for the union. "They terrorize workers and destroy families."[U.S. Raids 6 Meat Plants in ID Case, By Julia Preston, December 13, 2006]

But don’t worry, folks. I’m sure that the Times, in the interest of balance and fairness, soon plans to follow up with stories and photos of those whose lives have been ruined by identity theft.


[VDARE.com note: Somehow, we forgot to post Dave’s blog, and in the interim, the Times actually did follow up with stories and photos of those whose lives have been affected by this "identity theft" thing, but they were focused on the consumer protection, not the illegal immigration aspect. Nothing, however compares to the "sob story" effect of the picture reproduced below, the caption to which reads "Marta Granillo, right, crying for her [presumably illegal immigrant] husband, [her presumably illegal immigrant] relatives and [presumably illegal immigrant] friends who were arrested yesterday in an immigration raid at a plant in Greeley, Colo.".]


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