NEW YORK TIMES: Trump Is The "Last Hate-Filled Stand Of The White Man" — Who Really Hates Whom?
By Steve Sailer
From The New York Times:
The Trump-Farage Road ShowRoger Cohen AUG. 29, 2016
In case you missed it, a significant political event took place last week in Jackson, Miss., where Donald Trump joined forces with Nigel Farage, the anti-immigrant leader of the successful campaign to take Britain out of the European Union.
… “If the little people, if the real people, if the ordinary decent people are prepared to stand up and fight for what they believe in, we can overcome the big banks, we can overcome the multinationals,” Farage declared with Trump looking on approvingly.
They are politicians delivering ugly messages — explicit and implicit. Theirs is the last hate-filled stand of the white man in societies that globalization has irrevocably changed in composition and color. They are self-centered and cynical, manipulating resentment with half-truths and untruths, accommodating the loony extremist right.
From The New York Times:
The Immigrants Turned AwayTimothy Egan SEPT. 2, 2016
In the hate speech that Donald Trump gave on immigration in Phoenix on Wednesday night, he all but deported the Statue of Liberty, laying out one of the darkest visions of the American experience that any major-party nominee has ever given. Despite the media misread by some who presented the speech as a pivot, it got rave reviews from neo-Nazi and Ku Klux Klan supporters, and prompted some of Trump’s few Latino advisers to resign in protest. “Excellent speech,” said David Duke, the former Klan leader.