Here’s a tweet from Newsbusters, a conservative media criticism site that doesn’t get so much into the "Not Reporting Race" thing. Also, I’m embedding the instant reply they got, which is typical:
Young Black Man Punches, Drops 72 Year-Old NYC Man; Local News Report Doesn’t ID Assailant’s Race https://t.co/Wj7fHvZ6jQ
— NewsBusters (@newsbusters) August 12, 2014
@newsbusters When will you stop race baiting?
— MLD (@trovermarie) August 12, 2014
Actually, the "race baiting" is being performed by the young black man. What Newsbusters is engaging in is race noticing, and as Steve Sailer puts it “Political correctness is a war on noticing.”
In further noticing, the 72 year-old victim appears to be a white man, although the video of the victim is deliberately blurred.
It will be a long time before you see an MSM report headlined "Young Black Man Attacks Elderly White Man." Not a long time before it happens, just a long time before you see it in a headline.