Newtown, Gun Control, And The MSM’s Continuing Ability To Shape The Narrative
A couple of times today, in the wake of the appalling school shootings in Newtown CT, I've found myself talking to politically-aware individuals who are genuinely surprised to hear that there have been several instances where mass killings have been stopped because private citizens intervened with their own, legal, guns. (Instapundit’s Glenn Reynolds discusses two such cases here).
This is of course because these stories do not fit the Main Stream Media’s pro-gun control narrative and so go down the Orwellian Memory Hole. And it’s a chilling example of the MSM’s ability to shape the consciousness of even sophisticated (and highly suspicious) people.
Similarly, at, we regularly report on what we call "Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome" — the fact that a disproportionate number of these atrocities are committed by immigrants. One case is the only school shooting that now exceeds Newtown: Virginia Tech, where the killer was a Korean immigrant. Yet this phenemonon is never mentioned in the MSM, with the result that most Americans are completely unaware of it. (That’s why you should give, tax-deductibly, to support
The Newtown killings, it appears, are not an example of IMMS. As we have said repeatedly, alas, mass murder is not a job Americans won’t do.
That’s precisely the point.