Nice job by Lou Dobbs
We have been a bit dubious about Lou Dobbs recently, being particularly concerned by his seemingly careless attitude to bilingualism.
So it is only fair to note that his CNN editorial today:
Dobbs: Big media hide truth about immigration April 25 2007
is valuable and effective:
the mainstream media are complicit in advancing this thinly veiled blanket amnesty. Instead of asking and answering important questions about why our immigration laws aren’t being enforced and why we're permitting pervasive document fraud, the national media seem hell-bent on trying to obfuscate the issue… Too often, the language of the national media describes illegal immigration as "migration" and illegal aliens as "undocumented immigrants," …The Arizona Republic, for example, used "undocumented immigrant" more than 80 times in 36 separate stories in the past month alone; the term appeared as many as 12 times in one article on "migration," according to our Lexis-Nexis search. At the same time, "illegal alien" appeared a total of only nine times during that span, with seven of the references coming from readers' opinions, one from a quotation and one from an editorial… Let’s have a vigorous open debate on illegal immigration in this country, and let’s begin with the facts. Estimates of illegal aliens in this country range from 12 million to 20 million people. Why doesn’t our government know how many there are?
I particularly liked this idea:
… shouldn’t there be an economic impact statement researched and delivered to this Congress, this president and the rest of us before any legislation granting amnesty is even considered?
Nice work, Lou!