There still isn’t much MSM/ Respectable Right commentary on the Census Bureau’s latest estimate of the date (2042) when America’s founding population will become a minority in its own land because of immigration policy, which I blogged on here and here.
But NumbersUSA’s Roy Beck has blogged on it: New Nightmare Census Projections Reveal CHAIN MIGRATION Still Choking Our Future. Roy’s blog is well worth reading because of its emphasis on, well, numbers:
The Census projection of 135 million more people crammed into our communities by 2050 is like adding the entire current population of Mexico and Canada.Does that really make sense?
Why would our elected leaders think we want to pile all of Mexico and Canada on top of ourselves?
Another comparison is that 135 million is approximately the entire population of the United States during World War II in the 1940s.
Or here is another: Visualize half of all the roads and streets, houses, shopping malls, office buildings, mining sites, industrial sections that are now required to support our current population. All of that will have to be added in order to support the population growth being created by federal immigration policies.
How many of you live in an area where adding half of the current physical structures on top of what is already there would improve the quality of your life?
Roy’s point is of course correct and important. There is a real question if America can handle a policy-inflicted increase of 135 million people, especially in stressed environments like California, quite apart from why it should.
Roy as usual completely avoids the issue of the shifting racial balance, although it’s equally numeric and policy-inflicted. This is no doubt because he’s nicer than I am and wants to avoid upsetting people. He also has to operate inside the Beltway.
My postion continue to be that the truth shall set us free.
Look for Steve Sailer on the Coming White Minority, due on Sunday night.