Babelicious Nikki Haley for the Rule 5 Draft

By Nicholas Stix


My colleague Patrick Cleburne is distressed by GOP elites’ support in the South Carolina GOP gubernatorial primary for State Representative Nikki Randhawa Haley who, though a married mom of two, “has withstood not one but two self-proclaimed lovers s urfacing to hugely widen her lead, polling 49% in last Tuesday’s Primary and only narrowly being forced into a run-off” against Congressman Gresham Barrett who, Cleburne notes, has an A+ rating on immigration from NumbersUSA.

Cleburne asks, “Do any of VDARE’s South Carolina readers know anything about Nikki Haley’s position on immigration?,” before quoting

Nikki Haley’s 49% in South Carolina Tuesday triggered an outpouring of support from the National Republican establishment, with the RGA coming out for her, Mitt Romney heading down to South Carolina, and Bill Kristol talking up the possibility that her rival, Gresham Barrett, wouldn’t contest a run-off.

Look, this is all that matters:

As Ralph Kramden would say, “Hubba, hubba!”

Compare the above pin-up to Gresham Barrett, and his meaningless “A+”:

Who would you rather see in a bikini? To ask the question is to answer it.

The Rovian GOP mentality behind supporting Haley is apparently pure Hollywood, or should I say, Bollywood: Women will want to be her, while men will want to be with her. A female Cary Grant, if you will: Tall, dark, and sexy. And the news so far of her lovers means that although she’s married (and anti-abortion), she’s still available. Men GOP voters can indulge in the fantasy, “Hey, that could be me squiring her around!”

The new GOP: Family Values and Vegas Values (not to mention, anti-white-male values!).

In their support for Haley, GOP honchos also seem to be taking a page out of David Axelrod’s “Obama” war book, as when Axelrod’s mouthpieces said of “Obama,” beginning in mid-2004 (2004, not 2007!), “The issues don’t really matter. This guy is the dream candidate.”

Now, for you boring “issues” people, here’s the deal on Nikki’s immigration position: She’s a complete “amnestisiac”. As a puff piece at an Indian Web site reported,

“During the campaign in 2004, the opponents used Haley’s Sikh faith and ethnicity for their propaganda. They used her maiden name Randhawa to single out her.

[NS: But this report also emphasized her maiden name, right from the start! Pot, kettle?]

She said she is Republican because it supports business and stands for many of the ideals she cherishes. She is pro-life also.

‘I believe we have made tremendous progress in the past four years. We've cut taxes by $850 million including $500 million in property tax relief, passed one of the nation’s strongest immigration reform bills, made South Carolina more business-friendly by reforming a broken workers compensation system and reducing frivolous lawsuits. But there is still more we can do to spur economic growth and job creation, and that’s why I want to return to serve the people of District 87 in the State House,’ she said.”

Nikki Haley wins landslide in South Carolina by George Joseph, Rediff India Abroad, November 05, 2008.

Job creation for whom?

South Carolina business interests have long used immigration to drive down wages. Haley’s amnestisia, coupled with her unqualified support for business interests, means that if she and the Republican leadership have their way, white men in the Palmetto State, low-skilled and highly skilled alike, will be unemployable. They might as well invade Canada, for all the life chances they’ll have in their own home.

And just as GOP operatives used Sarah Palin as eye candy to distract (some) Republican voters from John McCain’s unacceptability as a candidate in 2008, a Gov. Haley would immediately go to the top of the list as possible eye candy for the 2012 ticket of the new, diverse GOP, in case they can’t find a non-white-male candidate like Sonny Jindal for the top slot.

But who cares about stupid “issues”? Let’s look at some more Nikki pin-ups!

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