City of Charlotte, NC, to Whites: Drop Dead

By Nicholas Stix


It’s over. American Renaissance’s Jared Taylor has been unable to find a hotel to substitute for the Sheraton Charlotte Airport Hotel, which had broken its contract for the group’s February 4-6 conference, reportedly in response to threats by black Charlotte City Council Mayor Pro Tem Patrick D. Cannon.

When we spoke with Cannon, he said he did not send out an e-mail that was against the group coming to Charlotte. He added that he personally did not have enough time to contact all the hotels in the area. [That’s what staffers are for.] And he was just keeping some of his constituents informed. [“Informed” that he was violating the First Amendment rights of Jared Taylor and everyone else who had planned on participating!] NewsChannel 36 did obtain a copy of the email sent from Cannon’s personal account and it reads:
“Subject: Re: Southern Anti-Racist Network

“I have all hotels, motels, and gotels on notice and they seem to be cooperating well still. An attempt was made for accommodations at another hotel but based on what I ask to take place they were denied again. It’s my thought that they will still try over and over even if they end up in Cabarras County or Rock Hill. I will keep the level of intelligence up as best I can.”

[“White supremacist group considers suing Charlotte,” by Richard Devayne, NewsChannel 36, January 31, 2011.]

(Some observers have added a “sic” to “gotels, but I think the Councilman was being cheeky, and meaning anywhere someone could rent a space to congregate, or even just a room, in the vein of the Tommy Lee Jones federal deputy marshal character at the beginning of The Fugitive, who announces to his fugitive apprehension team,

What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area.)

Either Patrick D. Cannon or Richard Devayne is lying, and this is one case where the reporter sounds credible to me. If that is the case, it means that City Council President Pro Tem Patrick D. Cannon not only committed tortious interference of contract against Jared Taylor and American Renaissance, and violated their (and mine, come to think of it, along with all of the other would-be participants!) First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and assembly, but felony criminal conspiracy, violation of our civil rights and, if “on notice” means the obvious — that he would see to it that local businesses suffered financially for doing business with Taylor — felony extortion.

I have urged Jared Taylor to sue the city of Charlotte for millions.

Taylor sent the following letter to everyone who had signed up for the conference.

Dear Conference Registrant,

I am very sorry to inform you that the AR conference scheduled for February 4 through 6 must be canceled. Despite strong assurances that it would not submit to pressure, the hotel with which we had initially contracted has broken its contract with us. We have investigated many possible alternative venues but have not been able to find one.

There is evidence that at least one elected Charlotte official was working behind the scenes to deny us a venue, and our legal counsel is looking into grounds for action against the city.

We are deeply sorry for the great inconvenience this causes you, and I apologize to you personally. As the head of the publication that organized this conference, the fault is entirely mine.

At your instruction we will, of course, refund all registrations and banquet fees.

Many of you will have bought non-refundable air tickets. Generally, the amount spent on such tickets can, for a period of a year, be used to buy a different ticket on the same airline. However, most airlines then deduct $150 from the amount that can be spent to buy the new ticket. If you bought a non-refundable ticket, please send us proof of purchase and we will send you a check for $150. We do not want anyone to suffer financial loss because of this cancellation.

We have heard that because of the impending storms, some airlines are offering full refunds on “non-refundable” tickets. This offer may not apply to tickets for February 4, but it may be worth inquiring.

We are considering alternative models for future American Renaissance conferences.

Again, please accept my sincerest apologies. We greatly value your continuing support, and deeply regret that we will not be seeing you on February 4.

Warm regards,

Jared Taylor

Although Charlotte is 32.7 percent black, it is evidently a black supremacist stronghold. Mayor Anthony Foxx is also black, as is Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Chief Rodney Monroe.

What Patrick Cannon has made clear is that ordinary whites have no rights in the city of Charlotte. Thus, it makes perfect sense that the anti-white Democratic Party would have decided to stage its 2012 national hatefest in Charlotte, after the DNC learned of Cannon’s alleged crimes against Taylor, et al. Rather than scaring off the Democratic National Committee, that information may just have sealed the deal.

Meanwhile, this little affair may be just the boost that Patrick Cannon needed, in order to give new life to his long moribund dream to become mayor of Charlotte. The racist outrage that he allegedly perpetrated would give him a huge shot of added credibility and “moral” stature within the black community.

In their zero-sum mentality, the overwhelming majority of blacks can enjoy freedom, prosperity, happiness and even life itself, only at the expense of white slavery, impoverishment, misery and death. Never mind that in reality, left to their own devices, with no whites to terrorize and slaughter (or to keep them in line), blacks terrorize and slaughter each other. They blame that on whites, too: “They makin’ us kill each other,” as I heard a young, malingering, malcontent black with an unearned promotion say of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and Governor George Pataki to an equally racist black friend at Toys’R Us in 1998. Interrupted momentarily in his meditations by a greeting in passing from the white store director, who had given the speaker his unearned promotion, the speaker then added to his friend, “They go another one,” about his white benefactor.

America was founded based on the notion that my freedom does not preclude your freedom. “Civil rights” are the rights of all citizens. The so-called civil rights movement turned that idea upside down: “Civil rights,” according to Martin Luther King Jr. and his various black and red comrades and heirs, are privileges that accrue to blacks, based on the color of their skin, and which are thus withheld from whites for the same reason.

Thus, blacks have First Amendment rights; whites don’t. Whites must obey the law, but blacks are under no obligation to do so. (See also my theory of “The Paranoid, Black Supremacist, Jailhouse Philosophy of Law.”)

Consider Cong. Jesse Jackson Jr.’s remarks to Nashville This Morning co-host Steve Gill on the eve of the 2000 presidential election:

GILL: Let me ask you about this. It’s against IRS regulations for politicians to campaign from the pulpit. Why are these politicians campaigning in black churches?

JACKSON: I’m not totally convinced that’s true in the African-American community. Certainly there’s a separation of church and state [NS: for whites!]. But in our community there’s little distinction between our religion and our politics. … And so in many African-American churches born out of experience in this country, the role of the churches has evolved into a very, very active political institution which has been very effective for a number of causes in the black community.

HOPKINS: And that supersedes the law?

JACKSON: Absolutely. Oh, absolutely.

The belief that the law does not apply to blacks is the basis for the “racial profiling” and “police brutality” myths. According to most blacks, for a policeman to put his hands on a black for any reason constitutes “police brutality.” Likewise, arresting or so much as stopping any black, even one guilty as hell, constitutes “racial profiling.”

When Thurgood Marshall was chief counsel of the NAACP Education and Legal Defense Fund, in the Brown v. Topeka Board of Education case, he argued on behalf of color-blind equality for blacks,

Distinctions by race are so evil, so arbitrary and invidious that a state, bound to defend the equal protection of the laws must not invoke them in any public sphere.

Years later, as an affirmative action Supreme Court justice, Marshall revealed his true agenda to Justice William O. Douglas, the latter of whom opposed affirmative action:

You [white] guys have been practicing discrimination for years. Now it’s our [blacks’] turn.

As one critic noted at Front Page Magazine years later, Marshall’s revanchist logic was so thoroughgoing that it could even rationalize blacks’ enslavement of whites. And that enslavement is central to the system of black supremacy that I dubbed “Jim Snow” 21 years ago.

The notion that most blacks (and white and other non-white multiculturalists) are “egalitarians” is a myth shared by white leftists and conservatives alike, including even Lawrence Auster.

The problems highlighted by the American Renaissance affair are not limited to Charlotte. This is today’s America. Whites who would continue sleepwalking through life have thus been warned… yet again.

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