Knoxville Horror Rapist-Torturer-Killer Letalvis Cobbins Gets a New Hearing

By Nicholas Stix


By David in TN

It’s Round Two of the never-ending Knoxville Horror case, as the five assailants and accomplices so far convicted in the carjacking, kidnapping, robbery, gang-rape, torture and murders of white couple Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom seek to appeal their convictions. (At least two rapist-murderers have yet to be caught.)

First up is Letalvis Cobbins, who was convicted of 33 out of 38 state felony counts, spared the death penalty, and sentenced last year to ””life’ plus 100 years”.

The hearing date for the appeal regarding Cobbins is scheduled for June 9, with Judge Jon Kerry Blackwood presiding in disgraced ex-Judge Richard Baumgartner’s former courtroom, with Cobbins present.

Back in March, Judge Blackwood set a September 8 date for the appeal hearing for Lemaricus Davidson, Cobbins’ half-brother and the ringleader in the crime. In 2009, Davidson was sentenced to death. Under Tennessee law, any convict sentenced to death gets an automatic appeal.

The appeal hearing for George Thomas, who was sentenced to “life, plus 50 years” (don’t bother asking; it’s meaningless), is scheduled for October 6.

Judge Blackwood set the appeal hearing for Vanessa Coleman, who was Cobbins’ girlfriend at the time of the crime, and who was acquitted of the major charges, and instead convicted of facilitation in the rapes and murders and sentenced to 53 years in prison last August, for December 1.

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