"No Muslim Family Should Engage in Birth Control: Erdoğan"
By Steve Sailer
Having used Syrian refugees as a club to get from Ms. Merkel Turkey’s EU accession back on track, the Ankara strongman has announced what Turks can do with all that upcoming EU lebensraum. From Turkey’s Hurriyet:
No Muslim family should engage in birth control: Erdoğan ISTANBULTurkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has once again expressed his support for procreation, stressing that no Muslim family should ever consider birth control or population planning.
“I am saying this clearly, we will increase our posterity and reproduce generations. As for population planning or birth control, no Muslim family can engage in such a mentality. We will follow the road that my God and dear Prophet [Muhammad] say,” Erdoğan said in an address to the foundation of the Service for Youth and Education Foundation of Turkey (TÜRGEV) in Istanbul.
In his remarks, Erdoğan also praised TÜRGEV in its efforts to raise an “exemplary” generation of youth in terms of spiritual education in addition to regular schooling. …
Erdoğan said the new term of Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım’s freshly formed cabinet would focus on restructuring school curricula in order to eliminate the troubles of the youth.
The president outlined three vices: being recruited by the “divisive terror organization,” referring to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), joining the ranks of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) or being carried away by “earthly pleasures” — as part of which he included “addiction to technology.”
Erdoğan stressed the importance of a homegrown effort in tackling all these issues, stressing the need to establish and improve “national institutions” in education.
“We need to take matters into our own hands, there is no other way. Do we want to raise an ideal youth? We need to found and improve our own institutions starting from parental education to pre-school education, all the way to graduate and postgraduate studies,” he added.
In other words, no more letting Imam Gulen’s cult run the test prep centers. He who controls the test prep centers controls the world.