
NPR: World Ends, Minorities Hardest Hit

By James Fulford


Usually the cliche is "Women and Minorities Hardest Hit" but this story is about African-American men, who are hard hit by a recession that’s crashed construction, among other things.But African-Americans are just a special case of American worker displacement, tracked by every month on’s American Worker Displacement Index.

And the cause of American Worker Displacement is immigration.

Black Males Hit Extra Hard By Unemployment

by Cheryl Corley

African-American Male Unemployment

The unemployment rate for all African-Americans is about 50 percent higher than the nation as a whole — and even higher for African-American males. Chart: Unemployment Rate

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Credit: Nelson Hsu/NPR

November 19, 2009

The country’s spiraling unemployment rate is taking a particular toll on men as the recession continues to roil male-dominated industries, such as manufacturing and construction.

This "he-cession," as it’s sometimes called, has hit African-American men especially hard, increasing their unemployment rate to more than 17 percent last month.[MORE]

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