National Review has declared Trump to be anathema in an online symposium — or manifesto, or fatwa or whatever.
It’s announced here by John Podhoretz, culture expert:
Here’s the NR symposium. My contribution is more about Trump culture than about conservatism. https://t.co/flW7LSVYgt
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) January 22, 2016
It’s applauded by Jennifer Rubin, immigration enthusiast:
NR should be applauded for summoning conservatives to senses and urging them to reject Trump and Trumpism https://t.co/iMoQyYTAYR BUT … .
— Jen "We aren’t going back " Rubin 🥥🌴 (@JRubinBlogger) January 22, 2016
And dismissed by Stacy McCain:
Can’t load tweet https://x.com/rsmccain/status/690542271595466752: Sorry, you are not authorized to see this status.
Ben Shapiro, who is more a Trump fan, says it will help Trump:
National Review Unleashes Massive Anti-Trump Issue. Unfortunately, It’s Going To Help Him. https://t.co/wU9NSf2md0 pic.twitter.com/RxbQnqDLYo
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 22, 2016
I assume actual voters will ignore it. National Review has much less power than it used to. John Podhoretz also tweeted this:
How Bill Buckley dealt with outrages against true conservatism-his last published piece, oddly enough in @Commentary https://t.co/6Gj74N1K0N
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) January 22, 2016
That’s the story of Buckley and some other conservatives literally conspiring against the John Birch Society, whose theories they found embarrassing:
The wound we Palm Beach plotters delivered to the John Birch Society proved fatal over time. Barry Goldwater did not win the presidency, but he clarified the proper place of anti-Communism on the Right, with bright prospects to follow.Goldwater, the John Birch Society, and Me
How a few "conspirators" set the boundary between responsible and irresponsible anti-Communism in the young conservative movement.
National Review isn’t any position to do that again.