Numbers USA on the Candidates

By Allan Wall


Over at the Numbers USA website, they have a system for evaluating the candidates on immigration. You can look at the page here.

The score card is updated as the campaign progresses. The main difference in the current report is that Mitt Romney, who has been sounding a little better on immigration lately, has moved up to C-, where he is now tied with Herman Cain.

Our incumbent president, Barack Obama, has a score of F-. An F is awarded to Rick Santorum, Gary Johnson and Ron Paul. Jon Huntsman, Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry each have a grade of D-. Mitt Romney and Herman Cain each have a C-. The highest candidate on the Numbers USA list is Michele Bachmann, at B-.

If you disagree, for any reason, with this rating, feel free to write to Numbers USA and explain (politely) why. And certainly, let candidates know your opinion.

If they visit your city, show up and try to speak to them personally., by the way, is not permitted to endorse candidates.

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