NY DAILY NEWS Calls Refugee Resettlement Watch A "Conspiracy Site" For Telling The Truth
Ann Corcoran has been getting readers sent her way by the NY DAILY NEWS, which has been part of the conspiracy to minimize the sex assault in Twin Falls, Idaho reported on by Michelle Malkin in Sudanese Sexual Assault In Twin Falls, Idaho — Refugee Resettlement Watch On The Job!
Ann writes at Refugee Resettlement Watch:
NY Daily News calls RRW “conspiracy website” and liesSometimes you just gotta laugh and then thank the NY Daily News for sending more readers my way.
Of course you all know that most of what is reported to have happened in Twin Falls, Idaho is true.
There was a sexual assault involving three boys from Sudan and Iraq (Twin Falls and Boise receive large numbers of mostly Muslim refugees from both those countries). Two of the boys are in custody. The victim was a five-year-old white girl who lived in the apartment complex. An eyewitness has described the shocking scene she discovered. The older boy was filming the two younger boys naked and peeing on the little girl (who they had stripped of her clothing). The girl was examined at the hospital and no one has reported (yet, that I know of) that she was penetrated by any of the boys.
Family members wait for information outside of the juvenile detention center in Twin Falls where two of the boys had been taken. Based on the woman’s attire can you guess her religion NY Daily News reporter?
The incident occurred on June 2 and clearly the police and elected officials kept the incident quiet I believe because the whole subject of refugees (mostly from Muslim countries) has been the subject of heated discussions in the community for over a year. (See our extensive archive here)We FIRST reported the story here on Monday June 20th (not weeks ago!) and our focus was on the accusations citizens were hurling at their elected city council members. We gave readers an update on June 21, here, when we had detailed information from a witness (reported by a reporter who is an expert on refugee resettlement at World Net Daily).
Now get this! The New York Daily News is trying to tell its readers that the whole thing was a lie! If you did not read past this headline: ‘Story of Syrian refugees gang-raping Idaho girl at knifepoint is false, authorities say‘ you would not know that something bad did happen.
NY Daily News:
The story was all too sensational, and caught wildfire on conservative blogs and conspiracy websites.
Many paragraphs in, reporter Jason Silverstein, admits, well, something did happen in Twin Falls weeks ago. Hey Jason, how about taking an interest in finding out exactly what did happen!Authorities have confirmed that there was a suspected sexual assault at the Fawnbrook Apartments complex in Twin Falls June 2…
Silverstein continues:
NY Daily News reporter Jason Silverstein calls RRW a “conspiracy website” and owes me an apology. Photo: https://www.nydailynews.com/authors?author=Jason-Silverstein
Several websites — including the Refugee Resettlement Watch, the Dr. Rich Swier blog and ACT for America — fueled the fires of a false story for weeks.
Fueled the false story for weeks — what the hell! We only reported it on Monday when the news became: local citizens confront elected officials on why the case was not made public for weeks!I’m not going to send you to the NY Daily News for the rest of the Silversteins’s “false story” (open it at your peril) because it is one of those websites so full of ads and pop-ups that you can barely read it as it causes your computer to stall.
But, go see what Michelle Malkin had to say yesterday at Townhall about the story and the key point — if citizens didn’t continue to hound officials in Twin Falls this case would never have seen the light of day! And, so why are the citizens demanding transparency the bad actors in this situation?
Also, one of my major points for the last nearly 9 years of writing this blog is that the program has been wrapped in SECRECY and so the way to stop embellishment of information that does leak out about who the refugees are and what they are doing, is for the US State Department and the resettlement contractors to be open and honest with American citizens (who pay for all of it!) and with the communities being disrupted!This whole incident has caused me to wonder, how many more crimes are being committed by refugees that we never hear about because no citizens are watching, or are brave enough to blow the whistle, while authorities cower in fear due to political correctness and reporters like Silverstein eagerly denigrate the messengers!
Update: CAIR weighs in, here.
Jason Silverstein can be emailed here.