
NYC Beats Chicago in Weekend Murder Tally

By Steve Sailer


Earlier: Who Will Have More Shootings Over The 4th Of July Weekend: Veteran Chicago Or New Contender New York?

With the lack of baseball statistics this year until just now, I’ve gotten into following the weekend murder and wounding counts out of America’s great cities. For most of the 21st Century, New York was an also ran compared to mighty Chicago, but in 2020 New York is making it a race. NYC won this weekend with ten murders versus only four in Chicago.

Chicago weekend: 4 killed, 59 wounded.

New York City weekend: 10 murdered. Unfortunately, New York seems to report shootings in a fashion hard to compare to the gold standard Chicago method.

The New York Times news section is pretty baffled by what could be causing this massive increase in murders since, roughly, May 24, 2020:

Homicides rose by 29 percent, up to 227 from 176 last year. …

The surge in New York City has been part of a larger trend of shootings in large American cities. The spike has since become entangled in a fractious debate over the future of policing, which was sparked by the killing of George Floyd in May while in police custody in Minneapolis.

In New York, gun violence typically does increase in the summer months, when warmer weather lures more people outside and tempers are rankled by sweltering temperatures.

So maybe all the Global Warming since last year? Or since May 24?

But experts have said the violence has been especially brutal this year as the coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated the socioeconomic problems that often contribute to gun violence.

Senior police officials and Mayor Bill de Blasio have also blamed the spike in shootings on a slowdown in the court system caused by the pandemic.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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