
NYPD: Per Capita, Blacks In NYC 18.7 Times As Likely As Asians To Be Robbery Suspects

By Steve Sailer


The NYPD has released its 2020 crime stats report showing victims, suspects, and arrestees by race.

First, here is the general population of New York City:

So, blacks make up 22% of NYC’s population, Asians 14%, whites 32%, and Hispanics 29%:

Here is 2020 robbery:

So, per capita, blacks in NYC were 18.7 times per capita as likely to be robbery suspects as were Asians. The formula is (65.9/21.7)/(2.3/14.1).

Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City
(Jan 1 — Dec 31, 2020)

Robbery victims are most frequently Hispanic (41.8%) or Black (29.5%). Asian/Pacific Islander victims account for (15.6%) of all Robbery victims while Whites account for (12.8%) of all Robbery Victims. The race/ethnicity of known Robbery suspects is primarily Black (65.9%). Hispanic suspects account for an additional (27.6%) of the suspect population. White suspects account for (4.1%) of all Robbery suspects while Asian/Pacific Islanders accounted for (2.3%) of known Robbery suspects. The Robbery arrestees are most frequently Black (59.1%) or Hispanic (32.0%). White arrestees (5.3%) and Asian/Pacific Islander (3.3%) arrestees account for the remaining portions of the Robbery arrest population.

But was there a Wave of Hate due to Trump referring to the China Virus” Well, here is NYC’s 2019 report on robbery, which looks awfully similar:

So, blacks are 66.2% of robbery suspects

Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City
(Jan 1 — Dec 31, 2019)

Robbery victims are most frequently Hispanic (39.5%) or Black (29.5%). Asian/Pacific Islander victims account for (15.6%) of all Robbery victims while Whites account for (14.3%) of all Robbery Victims. The race/ethnicity of known Robbery suspects is primarily Black (66.2%). Hispanic suspects account for an additional (27.1%) of the suspect population. White suspects account for (4.3%) of all Robbery suspects while Asian /Pacific Islanders accounted for (2.3%) of known Robbery suspects. The Robbery arrestees are most frequently Black (59.4%) or Hispanic (32.2%). White arrestees (5.2%) and Asian/Pacific Islander (3.2%) arrestees account for the remaining portions of the Robbery arrest population.

The total number of robbery victims declined slightly from 2019 to 2020 in NYC, with the racial proportions of victims and offenders staying rather steady.

Shootings, however, more than doubled in 2020 over 2019 in NYC, with victims increasing from 922 in 2019 to 1868 in 2020, so the shootings data are of interest:

Shooting victims are most frequently Black (73.9%) or Hispanic (22.5%). White victims account for an additional (1.9%) of all Shooting victims while Asian/Pacific Islanders victims account for (1.7%) of all Shooting Victims. The race/ethnicity of known Shooting suspects is most frequently Black (72.1%). Hispanic suspects accounted for an additional (24.7%) of all suspects. Asian/Pacific Islander suspects (1.8%) and White suspects (1.4%) accounted for the remaining portion of known Shooting suspects. The Shooting arrest population is
similarly distributed. Black arrestees (70.1%) and Hispanic arrestees (26.6%) account for the majority of Shooting arrest population. White arrestees (1.7%) and Asian/Pacific Islander arrestees (1.6%) account for the remaining portion of the Shooting arrest population.

So while Asians made up 15.6% of robbery victims in 2020, they made up only 1.7% of shooting victims. My impression is that a lot of black shooting victims are killed or wounded by black shooters in social settings. Asians are unlikely to hang around with large numbers of black relaxing at a block party.

The 2019 shootings numbers were almost identical in proportion but much smaller in scale:

Shooting victims are most frequently Black (71.4%) or Hispanic (24.2%). White victims account for an additional (2.5%) of all Shooting victims while Asian/Pacific Islanders victims account for (1.9%) of all Shooting Victims. The race/ethnicity of known Shooting suspects is most frequently Black (74.4%). Hispanic suspects accounted for an additional (22.0%) of all suspects. White suspects (2.4%) and Asian/Pacific Islander suspects (1.1%) accounted for the remaining portion of known Shooting suspects. The Shooting arrest population is similarly distributed. Black arrestees (71.6%) and Hispanic arrestees (24.1%) account for the majority of Shooting arrest population. White arrestees (2.7%) and Asian/Pacific Islander arrestees (1.5%) account for the remaining portion of the Shooting arrest population.

This report doesn’t breakout hate crimes.

If I look at the Wayback Archive for the last weekly report of 2020 from the NYPD, we see that hate crimes were down 40% in NYC, probably due in large measure to covid keeping people off the streets.

That report doesn’t break out who-is-hate-criming whom.

But my guess is that in NYC, where there is a huge sample size of Asians and the cops are pretty good at keeping stats, there was no major outbreak of hate crimes in 2020 against Asians due to Covid or Trump’s reference to the China virus. There was mostly just the usual black-on-Asian predation.

In NYC in 2021, up through February 14, there have only 15 reported hate crimes year-to-date, down 70% from the 50 reported in the same period in 2020.

And, finally, here are the racial/ethnic breakdowns of the NYPD, a very well-funded force that can afford to hire competent nonwhites (who are always in much demand by police departments across America):

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