NYT Cuts Off Comments On Article About BipartisanTreason Lobby Shills/BFFs
Dr. Gene Nelson notes via email that The New York Times has apparently cut off comments on the article 2 Friends Reach Across The Aisle On Immigration, By Michael D. Shear, January 21, 2014, mentioned by Steve Sailer in Bipartisan Betrayal Or Tween Fiction? Hard-Hitting Journalism At Its Finest In The NYT.
There are 124, comments and the last one was20 hours ago. They're overwhelmingly negative. Here’s one of the readers' picks:
Curtis Sumpter
New York 19 hours agoThis is a great story about two women working together in a bipartisan way.
NAFTA was also bipartisan. The repeal of Glass Steagal was also bipartisan. The Patriot Act … bipartisan as well.Why does bipartisanship on major issues always kind of feel like a general punch-in-the-gut to the American people?
The point is that if the two ladies are friends, they shouldn’t be.One is supposed to be serving Republican interests and the other is supposed to be serving Democratic interests. The NYT says
If there is a way to unlock the immigration stalemate in Washington, colleagues say that Esther Olavarria, a Democrat, and Rebecca Tallent, a Republican, might find it.
The "stalemate" is caused by grassroots resistance. Americans don’t want it broken. The ladies in question are engaged in a bipartisan conspiracy against the American voter, and for wealthy donors (Tallent) and Hispanic illegals (Olavarria).
It goes back to this old saying
"IN AMERICA, WE have a two-party system," a Republican congressional staffer is supposed to have told a visiting group of Russian legislators some years ago."There is the stupid party. And there is the evil party. I am proud to be a member of the stupid party."
He added: "Periodically, the two parties get together and do something that is both stupid and evil. This is called — bipartisanship."
That was Peter Brimelow writing in 1999 about immigration policy. (The unnamed staffer was the late Sam Francis.)
Past coveragge of "bipartisanship":