NYT, Deep State Bureaucrats Seek To Kill Border Patrol Agents With Dangerous Anti-Self Defense Policies
By Federale
Obama Regime Deep State holdovers remain in many positions in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and in the components of DHS, including the U.S. Border Patrol. The execrable Mark Morgan brought in saboteurs and the result will be dead Border Patrol Agents. In recent news, because of the crackdown on illegal aliens, assaults on BPAs are up!
Assaults by criminal aliens against Border Patrol agents increased 64 percent in July over the previous month. U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials reported 41 agents as victims of assault for the month.The July cases bring the total number of agents assaulted during Fiscal Year 2017 to 624. The report indicates an increase of 80 percent over the same period in the previous year, CBP officials reported on Friday afternoon.
[Assaults On Border Patrol Agents Up 64 Percent In July, by Bob Price, Breitbart, August 14, 2017]
Illegal aliens are feeling emboldened because of the pressure on them, and the need to fight back to maintain the profits they make with alien smuggling. Furthermore, Deep State operatives in the USBP are seeking to exacerbate the conditions leading to attacks on BPAs by discouraging BPAs from using appropriate lethal and non-lethal force when confronted with these illegal alien terrorists who launch attacks.
The Obama Regime waged a war on Border Patrol Agents, specifically including Lonnie Schwartz who was attacked by rock throwing alien smuggling terrorists from Mexico. Schwartz used appropriate deadly force to stop an attack on him and other law enforcement officers, shooting an attacker dead. Despite the vile accusations against BPAs for misuse of deadly force, agents are routinely exonerated in the investigations that follow the baseless accusations.
Deep State Saboteur Carla Provost, How Many Border Patrol Agents Will Die Because Of Her?
However, the Deep State saboteurs brought into the Border Patrol by Morgan are seeking to create conditions where more Border Patrol Agents are killed in the line of duty by encouraging attacks on them by illegal aliens and other criminals. Their major tool, the failed policy of encouraging hesitation and de-escalation techniques in confronting dangers criminals.
In another part of the campus, a Border Patrol instructor enters a building set up to look like a barn where he finds two men counting money with what appears to be packages of drugs. One of the men yells at him in English, while the other man yells in Spanish. Both men move around, gesturing wildly with their hands. Dan M. Harris, chief of the academy, stands nearby urging the instructor to size up the situation. This simulated encounter is used to teach new trainees to consider all options before using deadly force.“We have to slow it down and think,” Mr. Harris said. “We can’t just pull our gun and shoot someone to get out of bad situation. We have to use our brain.” [‘We Can’t Just Pull Out Our Gun’: Border Patrol Alters Training, by Ron Nixon, NYT, August 18, 2017]
No law enforcement agency has ever taught the tactic of just pulling out a gun and shooting someone, nor has the U.S. Border Patrol Academy, nor has the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. This is a straw-man argument, and it is designed to spread and encourage hesitation in agents. The result, planned or not, is to get agents killed by hesitating when they need to use deadly force. This new training is designed to frighten agents with lawsuits and criminal prosecution, as in the case of Lonnie Schwartz, to encourage then to let criminals and terrorists get in the first shot. It is because Mark Morgan did not care about his agents, nor does the new head of the Border Patrol, Carla Provost.
There is a famous case of hesitation causing a law enforcement officer to get killed. The murder of Deputy Kyle Dinkheller. Deputy Dinkheller hesitated in a gunbattle with a crazed gunman, all because his Sheriff discouraged the appropriate use of force.
The current cure- all training theory in law enforcement is de-escalation, the theory being that criminals are all rational people who are just in a difficult situation. All an officer has to do is reason with them, and they will cooperate. Frequently that is nonsense, as criminals are generally violent by nature and of low intelligence unable to rationally deal with the world. And, as usual, research shows that is correct.
The chair of the criminal justice department of Madison College says the research he conducted for his master’s thesis shows de-escalation policies are a valuable tool in an officer’s toolbox, but argues they’re not the best tool.De-escalation policies require officers to slow things down and attempt to lessen or avoid force on all calls.
“The agencies without de-escalation policies, the number of officers killed and assaulted were dramatically lower than the agencies with de-escalation policies in place,” Brian Landers, author of the study tells WISC-TV.
Landers’ study looked at metropolitan law enforcement agencies around the country; some have de-escalation policies while others do not. It used data from more than 75,000 officers over a five-year period.
“I’ve had officers tell me that they are forced with decisions out on the street that go against every facet of training and instinct of officer safety from fear they are going to be disciplined because the policy is telling them that they should not use force,” Landers tells WISC-TV.
[Research Shows ‘De-Escalation’ Policies Place Officers At Higher Risk For Injury, Death, LEO Affairs, August 16, 2017]
Time for President Trump to end the Obama War on the Border Patrol by ending unscientific training theories that could get agents killed. All you have to know is that if it is in the New York Times, it’s #FakeNews.