NYT: Donald T. Sterling, Southerner

By Steve Sailer


From The New York Times:

After 33 Years of Sterling, a Boiling Point

APRIL 28, 2014


… For decades it was perfectly acceptable to let him run his team like “a Southern plantationlike structure,” as the former Clippers general manager Elgin Baylor once charged in a lawsuit. …

That suit also accused Sterling of running his franchise with the mentality of a Southern plantation owner, as a man who preferred a team of “poor black boys from the South” who were “playing for a white coach.”

Baylor lost the lawsuit, but among the most shocking parts of it — just like the most shocking aspect of the most recent accusations against Sterling — was how long Baylor put up with “the Southern plantation” mentality before standing up for himself.

[emphasis added]

And here’s some mood music to go with the article:

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