NYT: How Dare The Greatness Of Ta-Nehisi Coates Not Be Acknowledged?
By Steve Sailer
The dumbing down of black intellectual culture has been a noteworthy trend that nobody dares notes. From W.E.B. Du Bois to Ta-Nehisi Coates and Ibram X Kendi…
From The New York Times opinion page:
Erasing Black History Is Not the Role of the College Board
Feb. 4, 2023
By Mara GayMs. Gay is a member of the editorial board.
… [College] Board officials tried to assure the crowd that they had not bent to censorious political pressure from the country’s increasingly brazen right wing. “If this were true, it would be a terrible stain on this country and on the College Board,” said the College Board’s C.E.O., David Coleman.
But in fact, when the College Board unveiled the final curriculum for the AP course the day before, it turned out that the board had removed from the core material a handful of vital Black thinkers and some important subject matter. They downgraded the study of Black Lives Matter, of reparations, of queer life and of incarceration. They removed prominent writers like Ta-Nehisi Coates and bell hooks, who have helped so many people understand the relationship between race, class and feminism.
Gov. Ron DeSantis, Republican of Florida, had earlier vowed to ban the course, which the state’s Department of Education has said, “lacks educational value.” He had objected to much of the material the board removed. The board issued a statement denying that its action was in response to Mr. DeSantis, saying it determined on its own that the course was too dense and needed fewer secondary sources.
It is no coincidence that the Black writers under assault, like Mr. Coates and Ms. hooks, have been militant in refusing to allow America to forget.
Some of my articles on ex-blogger TNC: