NYT Reporter Taken Off Duke Case

By James Fulford


John Leo has posted a list of of "Things you might not know about the Duke non-rape case if you haven’t read the new book "Until Proven Innocent, " by Stuart Taylor, Jr, and KC Johnson."

One of them startled even me:

The notably fair and accurate journalists who covered the case (a short list) included Dan Abrams of MSNBC, Chris Cuomo of Good Morning America, Kurt Anderson of New York Magazine, Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes and the first New York Times reporter, Joe Drape, who was taken off the story [emphasis added]shortly after concluding that the alleged rape looked like a hoax. September 17, 2007 Things You Might Not Know About The Duke Case

The New York Times had the story, but didn’t want it. It must not have been "fit to print."

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