Obama Administration/Muslim Collaboration?
Michelle Malkin writes
In case you were wondering what DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano has been up to since declaring the ”system worked,” Richard Pollock has the exclusive at PJM:Last month, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and her senior staff privately met in Washington, D.C., with a select group of Muslim, Arab, and Sikh organizations. Among the mix were three organizations directly associated with an outlawed terrorist entity — the Muslim Brotherhood.Secretary Napolitano spent an hour and a half briefing them on Department of Homeland Security (DHS) counter-radicalization and anti-terrorist programs. The intensive briefings spanned two days (January 27 and 28) and were called by the DHS.
Although there is no evidence of an exchange of classified information, this meeting was the beginning of an Obama administration program aimed at devising a new information-sharing framework with the Muslim organizations — some of them regarded as extremist because of their ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. The group is to meet regularly with DHS senior aides and with Napolitano. This program was imported from the United Kingdom. The Obama administration has decided to replicate the UK program to win over Muslims and to get them to collaborate with the federal government.[More]
Or alternatively, to get the federal government (under the Barack Hussein Obama administration) to collaborate with them. (See also Michelle’s column The Other Stupid Things John Brennan Said.)