Obama Appoints Aneesh Chopra To Be The Nation’s Chief Technology Officer

By Rob Sanchez


In case you haven’t heard, Obama appointed Aneesh Chopra to be the nation’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Now we have two Indian-Americans in two positions that will make decisions about which government jobs are outsourced to India, and which ones are displaced by H-1Bs. The other one of course is Chief Information Officer (CIO) Vivek Kundra, who has been mentioned several times in this newsletter. If Kundra’s name doesn’t ring a bell go here to read about him: Obama’s "Kunundrum", By Rob Sanchez

I’m not sure why President Obama is bent on appointing Indians to key technology positions so much. In politics it’s always a good idea to follow the money trail, and doing so might help to explain that Obama’s prejudicial hiring practices might have a lot to do with the enormous amounts of cash and political influence that India is wielding in Washington DC. Or, perhaps Obama just feels that non-Indians don’t have the right genomes to handle technological issues. It’s an attitude that many policy makers seem to have nowadays. If you can think of a better reason for Obama’s most recent appointment, then let me in on it.

The most likely alternative explanation for Obama’s hiring behavior is that he is cooperating with India’s desire to plant their shills strategically in places that will help them to take over our country’s technological infra-stucture. If that sounds like a far fetched conspiracy, keep reading while I try to convince you that what is happening could turn into an international conspiracy and scandal.

These are just a few of the reasons that everyone should be concerned that Chopra and Kundra are now the nation’s new CIO and CTO:

So, how come Obama hired a CTO that has no technical experience at all? Neither Chopra or Kundra are career technologists (although Kundra did get a degree in IT, psychology, and political science). Chopra never received an education in science, technology, engineering, or math. Chopra probably doesn’t know the difference between a transistor and a transformer, an Apple and a PC, and he definitely has never written one line of computer code. Chopra’s claim to technical virtuosity is that he got a Masters in Public Policy from Harvard University.

So, why did Obama shun the technical giants of Silicon Valley to hire these unqualified cronies to lead our nation’s technology? Could it be that most of those that built Silicon Valley were non-Indian?

"Not surprisingly, he is an avid supporter of opportunities for globalization and was well received when he led a Virginia trade delegation to India in 2006."

If none of those reasons sway you, consider this: chances are Chopra is involved in the fraud and bid rigging scheme being investigated by the FBI. It’s just a matter of time before Kundra is connected with the two accused criminals Sushil Bansal and Yusuf Acar, and next in line would be Chopra. Inviting Chopra to the administration just gives the FBI another big target to investigate. If the FBI fingers either Kundra or Chopra, and it may be just a matter of time before that happens, Obama is going to have a scandal of epic proportions on his hands. Obama is taking a considerable political risk by allowing these two to be associated with his administration. The question is why?

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