Obama As Deporter-In-Chief — Not! (Even Before Illegal Amnesty)
What we called Obama’s Administrative Amnesty long antedates his post-election announcement — we published Obama Regime’s Administrative Amnesty: Impeachment Is The Only Answer, By Federale on August 27, 2011. Here’s a chart demonstrating that:
A different look at #deportations from @wwwCISorg: "Removals by Program: 2008-13" https://t.co/gxwkBEwxvk pic.twitter.com/craAQje735
— Washington Journal (@cspanwj) January 3, 2015
And here are two responses, one treasonous:
@cspanwj @wwwCISorg Fear & race based anti-immigrant fervor is universal phenomenon, especially in tough economic times; e.g. US & Europe.
— David Larsen (@dnlarsen) January 3, 2015
One normal:
@cspanwj Not afraid of either, simple fact is they take jobs, over run schools, bankrupted our hospital, border babies welfare, etc etc
— rae (@dl34l) January 3, 2015