
Obama Cripples Border Patrol — Where is GOP?

By Patrick Cleburne


BP on Bus

Border Patrol Checking Public Transport: Too Effective — Forbidden!

Last August the Obama Administration quietly indicated the intention to abandon enforcement against some hundreds of thousands of apprehended illegal immigrants — and then happily watched this Administrative Amnesty policy take effect and be expanded by its local government allies in treason.

Now it has moved — secretively of course — to shut down a critical element of border surveillance:

"SEATTLE (AP) — The U.S. Border Patrol has quietly stopped its controversial practice of routinely searching buses, trains and airports for illegal immigrants at transportation hubs along the northern border and in the nation’s interior, preventing agents from using what had long been an effective tool for tracking down people here illegally, The Associated Press has learned..

The routine bus, train and airport checks typically involved agents milling about and questioning people who appeared suspicious … agents said it was an effective way to catch unlawful immigrants, including smugglers and possible terrorists, who had evaded detection at the border… Often, those who evade detection head quickly for the nearest mass public transportation in hopes of reaching other parts of the country."

APNewsBreak: US northern border checks scaled back LongIslandPress.com October 28th, 2011

Contrary to the above headline, the same thing is going on at the Southern border too. This story is about Texas:

"WASHINGTON, D.C. — A group of former Border Patrol agents say routine checks at commercial transportation hubs are changing. This means the daily presence of Border Patrol agents at bus stations, train stations and airports is over…

An empty patch of pavement represents the spot where Border Patrol agents usually stand on guard at the McAllen bus station. There were no agents to be found Tuesday…

The National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers say Border Patrol issued a change of policy and discontinued the routine transportation checks. These checks were happening daily at hubs of commercial transportation.

Expert Says Border Patrol Changed Search Tactics By Stephanie Zepelin KRGV.com 10/25/2011

The flacks at Border Control headquarters are trying to pretend that nothing has happened, or that some better procedures have been adopted. This is a flat lie. The AP story documents:

"Until receiving the new directive, the Bellingham office, about 25 miles from the Canadian border, kept agents at the bus-and-train station and at the local airport 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Now, the agents have little work to do, according to a Washington state-based Border Patrol agent who has been with the agency for more than 20 years and spoke to the AP.

The situation is similar in upstate New York, where an agent told the AP — also on the condition of anonymity — that a senior manager relayed the new directive during a morning roll call last month. Since then, instead of checking buses or trains, agents have spent shifts sitting in their vehicles gazing out at Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, where few illegal immigrants cross.

“They’re already bored,” the agent said. “You grab the paper every day and you go do the crossword.” "

(VDARE.com emphasis)

It is superfluous to ask what is happening here. The Obama Administration and the Democratic Party in general wish to elect a new people. They are by-passing Congress and moving to open the borders.

August’s Administrative Amnesty–a clear breach of the Presidential Oath–should have triggered Impeachment procedures. Instead, the GOP, for some reason, completely wimped out.

So now the emboldened (and probably somewhat relieved) Treason Lobby is advancing further.

For this the Republican Leadership is entirely to blame.

(H/T for both these stories to One Old Vet - the patriot’s indispensible antidote to blood pressure medication.)

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