Obama, Left, And MSM Agree: "Stop Fearing Crime and Get Back to Fearing Guns!"

By Steve Sailer


This graph by Ritchie King of Quartz Magazine illustrates what happened to the number of murders in New York City the last time progressives took over the criminal justice system.

From my new column in Taki’s Magazine:

The Left Goes Ballistic

by Steve Sailer

July 27, 2016

At a ceremony for some of the various policemen recently shot by his fellow Black Lives Matter advocates, President Barack Obama described the postapocalyptic hellscape of gun violence that is America today:

We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book…

In contrast, Donald Trump’s nomination acceptance speech was widely criticized as “dark.” … Pundits who, only days before, had been vociferously lamenting the gun crisis rushed to denounce Trump for fearmongering about crime.

After all, law and order is not supposed to be on the agenda for 2016. … You are supposed to be worrying about guns, not crime.

Read the whole thing there.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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