Obama On Driver’s Licenses

James Fulford


Given the bad publicity Hillary got over her answers to the licenses for illegals question, you would think Obama would have been staying up late practicising a good answer for that question. But no:

Obama Falters Over Illegal Immigrants — November 16, 2007 — The New York Sun

By Eli Lake In response to a question on whether he would support giving driver’s licenses to undocumented workers, Mr. Obama started off by saying, "When I was a state senator in Illinois, I voted to require that illegal aliens get trained, get a license, get insurance to protect public safety. That was my intention."

He went on to make a joke that undocumented workers don’t come to America to drive, prompting laughter from the audience.

But the moderator, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer, asked Mr. Obama again what his position was on driver’s licenses for the undocumented. The Illinois senator responded: "I am not proposing that that’s what we do." He then went on to say, "I have already said I support the notion that we have to deal with public safety."

That answer prompted Mr. Blitzer to remark: "This is the sort of question available to a yes or no answer."

Obama’s mention of training does highlight one problem with illegals driving — most of them don’t drive very well, even when they're sober. That’s because Mexico doesn’t have the driver training and licensing system that the US does. An American in Mexico, describing the chaotic driving conditions there, writes

In Oaxaca to get a drivers’ license there is no road test or eye exam. You either take a written test or pay someone a bit of money as a bribe, a very common practice.[Rules of The Road: Driving in Oaxaca, Mexico]

And many illegals never even had driver’s licenses in Mexico! Despite what Obama said in the debate, they did come to the US to drive. They came to live in a country where they could afford a car. They just don’t care if they drive safely or not.

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