Obama Regime Admits DREAMers Remain Illegal Aliens
By Federale
In a stunning and surprising admission, the Obama Regime has quietly announced that DREAM Act Administrative Amnesty receipients remain what they always were, illegal aliens.
The Miami Herald August 20, 2012, By John Dorschner
Obama Administration Reaffirms No Healthcare Support For Undocumented Immigrants
After huge publicity in June sparked by President Barack Obama’s declaration that 800,000 young undocumented immigrants could remain and work in the United States, his administration quietly issued a rule this week declaring that these immigrants can’t benefit from the healthcare reform law.
The Department of Health and Human Services released a rule amendment to clarify that the Affordable Care Act, which offers coverage to those “lawfully present” in the United States, did not apply to those mentioned in Obama’s June declaration.
The amendment means that the undocumented immigrants will not be able to join the Pre-Existing Condition Plan for high-risk patients and the healthcare exchanges being established to help people and small businesses obtain cheaper rates. The immigrants will also not be able to get into state-federal programs such as Medicaid, the health insurance for the poor, or the Children’s Health Insurance Program.
Why? Because Obamacare prohibits illegal aliens from participating in the system.
The reason is that, in an attempt to get support from conservatives for the reform bill in 2010, Democratic lawmakers promised that undocumented immigrants would not benefit from the act.
And because despite the unlawfully received Employment Authorization Document, the DREAMer illegal aliens are just that, illegal aliens.
Obama’s June announcement affected immigrants under 31 who were brought into the United States illegally as children. His move did not formally grant them residency or permanent legal status, but allowed them to stay and work in the country.
That action, HHS decided, did not mean these immigrants were “lawfully present.” On Monday, it issued a 12-page amendment to the reform act regulations “so that the program does not inadvertently expand the scope” of the act.
The impact of this admission is stunning, though perhaps not so stunning because to allow the illegal aliens into the Obamacare system would be bad publicity. Obviously the Regime will change their tune after November 4. It undermines any defense the Obama Regime has against the lawsuit by ICE officers against the illegal actions by the Regime, as well as undermining the claim by "One Bill Gil" Cedillo who wants to give illegal aliens in California driver’s licenses based on the claim that the DREAMers were legalized. But, in fact, they remain illegal aliens. In law terms, they have not been either admitted, paroled or adjusted in the United States. Which makes the EAD issued by the Regime to the DREAMers illegal.
Someone let Kris Kobach know about this admission against interest by the Regime.