
"Obama’s Early Chicago Rise Brought African-Americans Foreclosures, Bankruptcies"

By Steve Sailer


A few weeks ago I posted the analysis by Robert Fitch, an old white power-to-the-proles lefty, of Obama’s role in Chicago’s real estate wars.

Now in the Daily Caller, Neil Munro has a long article shedding light on President Obama’s role in Chicago’s real estate disaster, using as a focal point the one case in which Obama ever spoke up in court (according to a 2008 Chicago Sun-Times article), a disparate impact discrimination lawsuit against Citibank to get more mortgages for minorities.

President Barack Obama wants his 2012 re-election campaign to focus on Gov. Mitt Romney’s private-sector record, but his own private-sector history shows that he promoted and profited from the nation’s disastrous real-estate bubble.

One striking example comes from the president’s 1995 housing-discrimination class action lawsuit: It provided him with legal fees, greased his political donations and boosted his role in Chicago politics.

While he made personal gains, his lead African-American client, Selma Buycks-Roberson, declared bankruptcy in 2001 — and again in 2008 as she received a home foreclosure notice, according to unpublicized federal and city records obtained by The Daily Caller.

Read the whole thing there.

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