Obama’s Moving to Magic Dirt Plan to Finish the Gentrification of Brooklyn

By Steve Sailer


From the New York Post:

Obama’s last act is to force suburbs to be less white and less wealthy

By Paul Sperry May 8, 2016 | 7:30am

[HUD Secretary Julian] Castro is expected to finalize the new regulation, known as “Small-Area Fair Market Rents” (SAFMR), this October, in the last days of the Obama presidency. It will set voucher rent limits by ZIP code rather than metro area, the current formula, which makes payments relatively small.

For example, the fair market rent for a one-bedroom in New York City is about $1,250, which wouldn’t cover rentals in leafy areas of Westchester County, such as Mamaroneck, where Castro and his social engineers seek to aggressively resettle Section 8 tenants. [The Section 8 reboot] is all part of a grand scheme to forcibly desegregate inner cities and integrate the outer suburbs. In expensive ZIP codes, Castro’s plan — which requires no congressional approval — would more than double the standard subsidy, while also covering utilities. At the same time, he intends to reduce subsidies for those who choose to stay in housing in poor urban areas, such as Brooklyn.

So Section 8 tenants won’t just be pulled to the suburbs, they’ll be pushed there. “We want to use our housing-choice vouchers to ensure that we don’t have a concentration of poverty and the aggregation of racial minorities in one part of town, the poor part of town,” the HUD chief said recently, adding that he’s trying to undo the “result of discriminatory policies and practices in the past, and sometimes even now.”

If you are thinking Brooklyn will stay poor once today’s poor Brooklynites are dispatched to the ‘burbs, well, I’ve got a Brooklyn Bridge to sell you.

A draft of the new HUD rule anticipates more than 350,000 Section 8 voucher holders will initially be resettled under the SAFMR program. Under Obama, the total number of voucher households has grown to more than 2.2 million. The document argues that larger vouchers will allow poor urban families to “move into areas that potentially have better access to jobs, transportation, services and educational opportunities.” In other words, offering them more money to move to more expensive neighborhoods will improve their situation.
Because who ever enjoyed any opportunity living in Brooklyn?

Brooklyn has Tragic Dirt!

All the poor people in Brooklyn must be evacuated for their own good.

Brooklyn’s dirt is tragic because it’s full of subway lines providing convenient connections to Manhattan. You can’t expect poor people to be able to afford to get to jobs when the dirt is teeming with subways. The poor people need to be moved to distant suburbs where they can all afford to commute long distances to work in their own private cars.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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