"Obama’s" Priorities: Money For Deadbeats, Criminals, And Illegal Alien Invaders, Si; For Citizen-Soldier Scholars, No!
The John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” has dedicated himself to spending billions providing free homes to largely minority deadbeats who defaulted on their mortgages, as many as one million of whom are illegal alien invaders; and to spending trillions both on the invaders he seeks to amnesty, and on legal immigrants, all of which is to be paid for by the ever-shrinking white majority. (Actually, “Obama” plans on using amnesties and mass asylum to turn that majority into a minority, which makes his economics even more dubious.)
Meanwhile, “Obama” is stiffing the citizen-soldiers who have gone into harm’s way out of their G.I. Bill education money, forcing them to borrow from family and commercial lenders.
“When John Kamin received a letter Wednesday from the Army, he was hoping it contained news that his GI Bill college tuition money would arrive soon. Instead, the Iraq war veteran was informed he may be called back into active duty.'It felt like salt in the wound,' said the 24-year-old, who is depleting his savings account and borrowing money from his parents to make up for thousands of dollars the government promised him to complete his political science degree at American University.
And Mr. Kamin isn’t alone.
Of more than 277,000 veterans who have applied for the college money this semester, less than 11 percent have actually received the funding.
Veterans' GI Bill tuition checks AWOL by Audrey Hudson, Washington Times, September 24, 2009.
The VA claims that it presently only has some “25,000 claims pending,” It is assuring them, “The check’s in the mail.’
American communists once coined the phrase “non-traditional patriotism” as a euphemism for treason. That meant that they and their heroes, such as convicted and executed traitors/Soviet spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, were “patriots” on behalf of America’s enemies.
I can’t think of a group that rates lower on the scale of priorities of the “non-traditional patriot” who currently holds the White House under occupation than patriotic American veterans.