Obama Slams Voter ID in Selma Speech
The President engaged in partisan politics Saturday when he participated in the 50-year anniversary of the Selma civil rights march. At one point in his speech, Obama remarked, “Right now, in 2015, 50 years after Selma, there are laws across this country designed to make it harder for people to vote.”
Yes, that’s correct. Our laws prohibit children, felons and illegal aliens from voting. Voter ID helps prevent ineligible persons from skewing elections. It’s important for the nation to have reliable, accurate elections.
The remark was discussed on Fox News Monday morning.
TUCKER CARLSON: What about the real problems facing black America like a massive unemployment rate? … Laws designed to make it harder to vote: have those laws made it harder to vote?CHARLES PAYNE: I know in the last Presidential election, more black people voted than whites, at a higher percentage, so if they were designed to stop people from voting, they were pretty ineffecive. The idea of voter ID is very reasonable and then the idea that somehow that impedes adults from getting ID or getting identification is almost insulting to someone’s intelligence, so it bothers me that this is an issue to begin with and it’s doubly more worrisome that it would have been brought up Saturday at an event that marked 50 years of progress …
CARLSON: As an American you hate to think of your President acting like a demagogue but in this case, to address the struggles of black America and not mention the unemployment rate seems a little odd …
PAYNE: It’s time for us to look in the mirror. According to one report 47 percent of black males are not graduating from high school … We know we are moving into a knowledge-based economy. Listen, voting has given us a lot of power, but … the way out of poverty won’t necessarily be the ballot box but individual effort in a knowledge-based economy.
The unemployment rate for black citizens is nearly twice that of the nation as a whole.
Having a strict voter ID doesn’t hurt blacks, it helps them by keeping illegal aliens from voting. It won’t be good for any Americans, but particularly blacks, when Mexicans et al are voting in our elections and gaining more power.
One example: on the Laura Ingraham radio show this morning [LISTEN], she interviewed the President of the Prince George County NAACP, Bob Ross, about special public schools being set up for illegal alien students who don’t speak English. Ross believes that the project takes taxpayers’ dollars away from black citizen students’ education. Laura noted the “huge amount of resources being poured into the immigrant community” particularly the schools.
Blacks should wake up and smell the tacos, because the whole immigration diversity rainbow thing is not working out so well.
NAACP Battles Latino Group Over Special Schools For Immigrant Students, Daily Caller, March 4, 2015A Maryland chapter of the NAACP and the Latino activist group Casa de Maryland are squaring off over a plan to open two new schools to help immigrant students learn English.
The Prince George’s County chapter of the NAACP calls the facilities “separate but unequal,” and its president, Bob Ross, fears that money for the schools will be diverted from black schoolchildren, WUSA 9 in Washington, D.C. reports.
But Casa de Maryland claims that the facilities will help immigrant students assimilate into society. Supporters of the schools also cite a statistic that nearly half of non-English speaking students in the county drop out before graduating.
The schools, which would be operated by CASA International, are scheduled to open in August. The Carnegie Foundation will provide $3 million in seed money, but more would be needed to keep them afloat.
But Ross and the NAACP are appealing to the Prince George’s County Executive to quash the plan.
“It goes back to separate but equal. And we fought that battle 50 years ago,” Ross told WUSA.
“This is a very awkward position because black and brown, people try to say we have the same struggles,” Ross continued. “But I sort of take it a little differently. We don’t have the same struggles because we came here for 400 years of slavery and moved forward. People who are arriving now are coming of their own free accord.”
The schools’ backers claim that funds will not be siphoned off from existing county schools.
“Ultimately it benefits the community to have kids not drop out, stay in school and graduate,” Casa de Maryland’s Robert Asprilla told WUSA.