October 29: Romney’s White Share Dropping
Peter Brimelow is unable to do the white share update today because electrical outages caused by Hurricane Sandy.
- Rasmussen Reports this morning (October 29) shows Romney’s lead over Obama down by another point, to 49-47.
Yesterday Peter wrote that "This is the SIXTH consecutive day Romney has been at the 50% level, for a three or four point lead". Today it’s a point lower. If you have a Premium Platinum subscription to Rasmussen, you'll find that Romney’s white share has also fallen, from 59 percent yesterday to 58 percent.
Also Pew Reports says today
- "Whites, especially working class whites, strongly favor Romney, while African Americans overwhelmingly favor Obama. "
Strongly means 57 percent — overwhelmingly means 91 percent.
The Gallup Poll reports Romney 51, Obama 46, but a usual, fails to report a racial breakdown.