
Oklahoma GOP Governor Kevin Stitt Wants Mexican Diplomat To Help Draft State Law

By Allan Wall


Earlier: Allan Wall: Oklahoma, I Warned You What Would Happen If You Welcomed A Mexican Consulate

The Oklahoma state legislature overwhelmingly passed a law to criminalize illegal immigration in Oklahoma. But Governor Kevin Stitt is still dawdling and has not signed it. It’s possible he may not, as he has never committed himself to doing so while the law was passing through the legislature.

Not only that, but the esteemed governor of Oklahoma wants the Mexican consul in Oklahoma City to help draft an Oklahoma law to deal with the situation. No kidding.

Think about it. The Oklahoma legislature has passed a law, but Governor Stitt would prefer that the Mexican consul, blonde Mexican lady diplomat Edurne Pineda, help draft Oklahoma law.

This was revealed in an article on Public Radio Tulsa on April 22, a day before the bill passed the Senate. The article begins:

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt says he has not decided if he will sign a controversial piece of immigration legislation if it reaches his desk next week … He’s unsure if House Bill 4156, a measure criminalizing anyone without a legal immigration status in Oklahoma, is the best approach.
As Oklahoma’s controversial immigration bill advances, Stitt won’t commit to signing it into law, by Lionel Ramos, Public Radio Tulsa, April 22, 2024

Oh, so Stitt hasn’t decided whether to sign it or not. Why does he waver?

Stitt acknowledged the need to protect the large — and growing — Latino population in the state that fills vital workforce needs.

Why does the Latino population require special protections and privileges, more than any other sector of the population?

He said he also supports legislation establishing special work visas at the state level.

That’s a very bad idea.

The governor said it’s not his intent to see families in Oklahoma separated, which some long-established members of the Latino community fear could happen as a result of the broad language in the measure. “It’s not our intent to separate families at all,” Stitt said.

Well, if people are illegal they shouldn’t be here.

Oklahoma families are separated all the time when a member goes to jail or gets deployed or leaves for some other reason. Why should illegal aliens have special privileges?

He said he plans to consult with the Mexican consular general in Oklahoma City, Edurne Pineda, to learn how Oklahoma can tackle illegal immigration while also protecting contributing members of the Latino community — most of whom are Mexican.

"Hopefully, I can learn from her and then help the legislature design the bill that they’re trying to do," he said.

Read it again if you don’t believe it.

Stitt said he wants a foreign diplomat to teach him, the governor, how to “help the legislature design the bill that they’re trying to do.”

It’s a betrayal of Oklahoma voters and Oklahoma lawmakers, and a violation of American sovereignty.

Thus far I have not heard of one legislator or conservative activist in Oklahoma who is calling Stitt to account for this.

Once again Oklahoma, it was a bad idea to install a Mexican consulate in Oklahoma City.

Once again, I TOLD YOU SO.

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