Older Illegal Aliens Are Resentful of Dreamers

By Brenda Walker


Everyone is a victim these days in America, and even lawbreaking foreigners have sob stories. Sunday’s Los Angeles Times front page played up the feelings of older illegal aliens who resent the attention paid to Dreamer lawbreakers — boo hooey! The non-Dreamers have American jobs and haven’t been deported, but it’s not enough for the foreign moocher brigade.

Actually the headline is rather misleading — it probably should read the “Non-Dreamers feel left out of the coming amnesty.”

Certainly the preference of La Times is mass amnesty for all, even though the 1986 amnesty was supposed to be the last ever and a solution for the illegal alien problem. Open-borders Senator Ted Kennedy said at the time, “We will secure the borders henceforth. We will never again bring forward another amnesty bill like this.”

Lying Ted.

So here we are again at another amnesty moment (maybe) with a president who campaigned on immigration enforcement and no forgiveness for foreign lawbreakers.

Hopefully ICE honcho Thomas Homan will take names from the Times article for his deportation list.

Focus on Dreamers breeds resentment from other immigrants here illegally, Los Angeles Times, February 18, 2018

Ever since Sam Paredes crossed into the U.S. illegally from Mexico nearly 30 years ago, he followed a simple philosophy of keeping his head down and trying to stay out of trouble.

The 39-year-old put in long hours for little pay as an office manager at a clothing wholesaler. He paid his taxes and hoped that after many years of waiting, there would come an immigration reform that would grant him a pathway to becoming an American citizen.

But one glimmer of hope afforded many young immigrants escaped him: Because the New York resident came too long ago, he did not qualify for immigration relief under the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, better known as DACA.

Now he watches as the White House and Congress continue to grapple and negotiate and argue — but at least talk about — the future of the so-called Dreamers.

“I’m very bitter. These DACA kids definitely have this sense of entitlement,” Paredes said. “People fought for them and they got DACA and they got their work permit and then they went to sleep, instead of working to fight for the rest of us.”

As the Senate has debated immigration in a race to come up with a plan that would win bipartisan support, the future for Dreamers has gained even more prominence. What to do about DACA helped to spark a brief federal government shutdown and prompted Democrat House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi to give an eight-hour and seven-minute speech.

Even President Trump has occasionally softened his frequently harsh, hard-line immigration tone when talking about Dreamers. In a tweet, the president said, “Republicans want to fix DACA far more than the Democrats do.”


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