On-The-Air With with Chuck Wilder 1:05 PM PST/4:05 EST

By Rob Sanchez


I will be on the Chuck Wilder talk-radio show on Wednesday at 1:05 PM PST/4:05 EST. I will probably be on the show for the entire hour and therefore will have more time to stretch out and take some phone calls. I haven’t heard from some of you for awhile so let’s talk!

Wilder’s show is available online in streaming audio which can be listened to at the CRNTALK website.

There is a toll free call-in telephone number if you want to chat with us:

This is the show schedule:

CRN1 12-2pm PT (live)
CRN6 8-10pm PT (replay)
CRN6 1-3 AM PT (replay)

To listen to the show, click the box where it says "now playing, listen live" "CRN1".

I enjoy talk radio and would appreciate invitations to other radio shows. Please email me if you are a producer that wants a show on topics such as guest workers, H-1B visas, outsourcing, and general immigration topics. Go to the Vdare website and blogs to read some of my writings.


Chuck Wilder Blog

Wed Dec 23, 2009
Talkback Wed Dec 23, 2009 CRNTALK.COM
Chuck Wilder Noon- 2 PM PST

Drew Zahn World Net Daily " Obama’s 789 Billion is Buying Votes"

Jeff Poor Culture and Media Institute " This Years Worst Assault’s On Christmas"

Rob Sanchez The Job Destruction News Letter, VDARE.com and Fellow writer for CAPS" The New Amnesty, more foreign workers, less jobs for Americans"

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