
Only 7 COVID Deaths In Entire US Military

By Steve Sailer


From CNN:

… the former vice president said there had been 6,114 “military Covid deaths” and 118,984 “military Covid [infections].”

Facts First: This is wrong — and not just by a little. Biden overstated the number of military Covid deaths by 6,107 and infections by nearly 79,000. There have been seven deaths in the military due to Covid-19 and 40,026 cases as of September 9, according to the Defense Department.

Wow, I did not know that: only 7.

So the Case Fatality Rate among US military personnel has been about 1 out of 6000.

The military has mandatory retirement ages and rules against being too fat, so personnel are much less likely to be old, fat, or sickly.

From the DoD:

DOD COVID-19 Cumulative Totals
Cases Hospitalized Recovered Deaths CFR CHR
Military 40,026 592 24,913 7 0.02% 1.48%
Civilian 8,882 357 5,394 55 0.62% 4.02%
Dependent 5,339 124 3,439 7 0.13% 2.32%
Contractor 3,811 170 2,334 21 0.55% 4.46%
Total 58,058 1,243 36,080 90 0.16% 2.14%
As of 0600, Sept. 9, 2020

CFR is Case Fatality Rate or deaths per officially recorded cases. CHR is Case Hospitalization Rate.

[Comment at Unz.com]

The CHR for Military isn’t super low (1.48%), but the CFR rate is almost negligible (0.02%).

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