Open Borders Radicals Attack First Amendment, Federal Agents’ Union Rights, Again
By Federale
The left has no principles except the destruction of their enemies. This was never truer than in the area of immigration, or, more precisely, electing a new people by mass non-white immigration. Some time ago the Treason Bar attacked the leader of the employees of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Chris Crane, of the National ICE Council, part of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE).
I must apologize to my readers: I wrote an article on Federale Blog, since deleted by Google as part of their censorship campaign, about Chris Crane and the attack by the Treason Bar. If there is someone with a skill set in searching the Wayback Machine to find my posting, I would greatly appreciate it.
But back to the First Amendment and the nation-busting Left. The Treason Bar published an article calling for Crane to be fired for his statements as a union leader that exposed and opposed the infamous Morton Memos, which established the Obama Regime Administrative Amnesty based on U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) virtually ceasing to enforce immigration laws in the interior of the United States.
Now, in the Federal service, certain employees are allowed to be represented by unions. Most union activity related to employment is representing employees in negotiating working conditions and disciplinary matters. Federal unions cannot negotiate pay or benefits, as those are set by statute. Unions also lobby Congress on legislation of interest of the members of the various unions. Unions and union staff comment on legislation and public policy. Most union officers and representatives are full-time Federal employees from the bargaining unit.
Essentially, the members are paid to perform their union duties, either part-time while on duty, or full-time while maintaining their duty status. I myself was a union shop steward for a few years and did union work on a part-time basis. On my time card I put union duties for those hours which I did work for the union. At a national level, the government signs contracts with the union which authorize a small number of national union officers to work full-time as union officials, but still be paid as government employees. However, while acting as union officers, such employees can make public statements on politics and public policy without running afoul of the Hatch Act, which prohibits such activity for government employees.
In this case, Crane was a full-time NIC officer, but remained as paid government employee. As a union officer, he was exempt from certain provisions of the Hatch Act and therefore could comment on public policy, including publicly criticizing the Obama Regime Administrative Amnesty in all its forms, including the Morton Memos.
After Crane came out swinging on the illegal John Morton amnesty, the Treason Bar was enraged. The Treason Bar called for Crane to be fired for his comments on the Morton Memos.
In a unanimous vote in June 2010, leaders of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agents’ Union accused ICE Director John Morton of “gross mismanagement within the Agency as well as efforts within ICE to create backdoor amnesty through agency policy.” Now, the union is again attacking its leadership.
In a recent press release, available here, the Union refers to new policies that were crafted based on the “desires of foreign nationals illegally in the United States.” The result of these policies, according to Union leader Chris Crane, is that “every person here illegally [can] avoid arrest or detention, as officers we will never know who we can or cannot arrest.” It seems the focus of the agents’ complaint is a memo issued last month by the ICE Director entitled “Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion Consistent with the Civil Immigration Enforcement Priorities of the Agency for the Apprehension, Detention, and Removal of Aliens.” A link to the memo is available here…
Nevertheless, the allegations in the Union’s press release are serious and — considering the source — they must be taken seriously. If the claims in the union’s press release are true, it would raise serious concerns about operations at ICE, and Director Morton should probably be removed. On the other hand, if these allegations are exaggerations made for partisan political purposes, it is a clear case of insubordination and those responsible should be fired.
Insubordination at ICE, by Jason Dzubow, Immigration Daily/Blogging On Political Asylum, July 7, 2011
Sadly, though I blogged before on this attack by the Treason Bar, I cannot find that blog post. Again, if there is an expert in searching the Wayback Machine, get back to me if you can find it.
But back to the First Amendment and union leaders opposing illegal administrative amnesties, this time it is Brandon Judd from the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) who is under attack from the radical left, which is trying to cancel Judd and get him fired. Now, I have interacted with Judd and other national leaders at the NBPC and have my issues with Judd and others. However, as full-time union officers, they, like Crane, are protected from discipline and termination for public statements when acting in their official capacity as union officers.
Last month, Brandon Judd, who is a Border Patrol agent and the president of the National Border Patrol Council, a union representing more than 18,000 border patrol agents, sat for an interview with Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer.
Wearing a black polo shirt bearing the crest of his union, the shaven-headed Judd stared intently into the camera as Hemmer asked him why he thinks President Joe Biden has allowed “Virtually an open border.” With a shake of his head, Judd responded:
“I believe that they’re trying to change the demographics of the electorate, that’s what I believe they’re doing.” As he spoke, the split-screen broadcast zoomed in on footage of people of color apparently crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, and Judd continued: “They want to stay in power, and the only way to stay in power is to continue to stay elected.”
[‘Replacement Theory’ Fuels Extremists And Shooters. Now A Top Border Patrol Agent Is Spreading It, by Will Carless, USA Today/Yahoo News, May 6, 2022]
Carless is clearly part of a campaign, much like Dzubow’s campaign against Chris Crane, to get Judd fired for commenting on the biggest issue of the day, the replacement of the historic American nation with non-white immigrants. It is as if noticing something is now a crime. Except when Mark Potok and the Southern Poverty Law Center ($PLC) notice.
Noticing Not Replacement Theory, But Replacement Reality
One would think an attorney like Dzubow would understand the law and the Constitution as it protects government employees. And one would similarly think that a journalist who relies on First Amendment protections wouldn’t engage in a campaign to violate the First Amendment rights of an American citizen. But we live in a different world from years ago. The left has exposed itself for its ethics, or lack thereof.
Note that the Lying Press did not attack U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) union officials when they attacked President Trump over asylum restrictions.
It is time to end the double standard applied by the nation-busting left — or at least hold them accountable for their attacks.